Starting Again, Together

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It was like déjà vu of a few weeks ago when they were last sitting in this office and she was told she had a deadline to have her first kiss. To Anna that felt like a lifetime ago, and so much had happened since then. The closeness she had developed with her soulmates in such a small amount of time was almost unimaginable.

"On behalf of the Soulmate Registration Office we congratulate you on completing your bond."

"So, Anna can stay now?"

"Yes. Here is her soulmate visa which allows her to live in Korea with you. If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to let us know."

"Thank you."

"Thank you for your help."


As they left the office Anna was practically beaming. Everything was finally falling into place and she had never felt happier. Her chest felt light as if a weight she hadn't noticed she had was gone. For once her thoughts were free of any negative influence and instead were focused purely on the joy and reassurance her completed soulmate bond had brought her.

"Anna! You're back!"

"Hi Tom. Sorry I haven't contacted you about my lessons."

"Don't worry about it. I can imagine things can get pretty hectic when your soulmates are idols."

"Ha ha, yeah, but I can resume my lessons this week."

"Actually, Anna won't be able to come to her lessons this week, we're taking her away. It's a surprise."

"That's okay, just let me know when she's available again."

"Although, she could do virtual lessons. We won't be travelling around this week."

"That works for me."

"Great. Starting tomorrow at the usual time then. Thanks Tom."

"No problem Namjoon. Bye Anna!"

"Huh? Bye?"

Anna was a little confused as she was dragged away by her soulmates.

The boys felt like spies as they worked to keep their plans a surprise for Anna. While the older members kept her distracted, the younger ones had fun sneaking around. After packing for Anna as well, they had put everyone's luggage into their cars, so Anna wouldn't notice the suitcases lying around the dorm.

Somehow, she had missed the suitcases in the back of the car on the way to the SRO and hadn't questioned why they took three cars. Anna could be so oblivious sometimes.

She was led to the front passenger seat of one of their cars, while Namjoon got in the back and Jungkook took the driver's seat.

"Anna, you can be our DJ for the drive."

Namjoon's words made Anna very happy. She loved to be in control of the music on car journeys.

"As long as you don't mind singing along the whole time."

Jungkook got excited and bounced in his seat.

"Sing? Yes! Sing!"

"I think you are forgetting who you are in the car with Anna."

"Ha, true. I just know it annoys some people."

"No way! Who would be annoyed by singing?"

Anna stayed silent. She wished she hadn't mentioned it at all.

"Anna? Who?"

"My parents."

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