Too Much and Not Enough

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Anna was standing in front of a camera they had set up in the dance studio. She was a little nervous as she was doing a live video on her YouTube channel. Instead of posting a dance video after she had perfected the dance, today her viewers would see her learning the choreography. She also had a surprise which she knew would make any ARMYs watching very happy.

"Hello. I'm Anna, and today we have a very special guest. Jimin is here to teach me the dance for Black Swan."

Jimin appeared in front of the camera.

"Hello everyone!"

"This is exciting. Who else has been waiting for BTS to do a dance tutorial?"

"Let's get it!"

In truth, Jimin had already gone over the choreography with Anna before they had turned on the camera, so she knew the basic moves. After all, she wanted to look reasonably good in her first live video.

It was going rather well until they reached the part where she needed to balance on one leg whilst moving the other in the air. Anna didn't have the best balance, and when she lifted her leg she would've fallen over if Jimin hadn't caught her.

"Are you okay?"

She looked into Jimin's eyes. He was so close as he held her with his hands on her hips. Ever since their heart to heart, Anna had felt closer, more connected, to Jimin.

Suddenly, she remembered that they were on camera and stepped away from him, her cheeks turning red.

"I'm fine. Thank you. Let's try that again."

She laughed awkwardly. Apart from sitting on Namjoon's lap in his V Live, Anna hadn't shared any physical contact with her soulmates on camera. She wasn't sure how their fans would react. Knowing she was their soulmate was one thing, but seeing it, and having it rubbed in their faces, was another.

They got to one particular move that Anna just could not get, no matter how many times Jimin showed her and broke it down. Eventually, he decided to show her in a different way, by touch.

"What are you doing?"

Anna looked pointedly at the camera.

"It's okay. Trust me."

With him guiding her through the movement by manipulating her body himself, Anna soon managed to execute the move correctly.

For the rest of the lesson, she didn't shy away from her soulmate's touch.

After she did a run-through of what he had learnt so far, he picked her up and spun her around. When he put her down, Jimin leaned in towards her, his eyes glittering mischievously. For a moment Anna thought he was going to kiss her on camera, but at the last second, he aimed for her cheek instead. She narrowed her eyes as he smirked at her, but she wasn't confident enough to retaliate on camera.

"What do you think? One more time with both of us?"

It was then that Jin, Hoseok, and Namjoon entered the studio. Anna tried not to let the presence of three of her soulmates put her off. With the camera, it was easy to forget she had an audience, it was different to have people physically in the room watching her.

Luckily, her need to impress them outweighed her nerves.

After finishing up, they turned off the camera.

"Wow! Impressive! Did you learn all that just today?"

Jimin answered for her.

"Yep! She picked it up like a pro."

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