Restart and Recharge

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It had been a busy few weeks.

The day after her first time with one of her soulmates, Anna had been expecting to feel different as if something big had changed. Yet, in reality, it was just a small awareness that she had finally taken that step. In a way, she felt closer to Jungkook, since they had shared something special, but it only made her excited to bond that way with the rest of her soulmates.

When the others found out that the two of them had popped their cherries, the younger ones and technical oldest, teased Jungkook. Taehyung. in particular. was threatening to jump the Maknae the moment they had finished work. In comparison, the other three, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon, asked Anna how she was feeling - which she found both a little embarrassing and very sweet.

Over the next few weeks, Anna found time to intimately connect with the rest of her soulmates. Each experience was unique and special in its own way. Yoongi surprised Anna by setting up candles, and rose petals, and playing some music - which she later found out he had composed himself. It was an incredibly romantic night and she had been so touched by his actions, which had made him blush when she told him so.

When Christmas arrived, BTS had to work as usual. Anna's soulmates were constantly apologising to her for not being able to celebrate the holidays, especially since it was their first as a complete soul group. Truthfully, she didn't mind. Sometimes she had wondered why she celebrated Christmas anyway, but even so, she argued that they were celebrating, just differently from the average person.

Attending SBS Gayo Daejeon was plenty of fun for Anna. Including the rehearsals earlier in the day, it was a whole day affair. Not only, did she get to say hello to ATEEZ again, but she also saw members of Stray Kids and NCT 127. 

While they were waiting in their dressing room backstage, Anna ended up entertaining her soulmates. She had her second assessment a few days previously and unfortunately, her soulmates hadn't been able to sneak away to watch this time. Although she had told them all about it, they asked for a repeat performance.

After a few snags with the trainees in her group, they managed to work well together. Anna had somehow ended up being the unofficial leader and had helped the youngest member Yeona learn the dance. The two had gotten close, and Anna saw the girl as a little sister. Even Minji, who at first had been cold and rude towards her, couldn't deny the hard work Anna had put in whilst working with the group. This led to a cohesive performance, and they had been praised for it by their teachers.

Although none of them had seen her perform the song, the vocalist had no idea that Anna had taken on a rapper's part. She had worked with her rapper soulmates as much as possible. The first thing they had done was point out that she would need to write her own rap, and the second thing they had done was calm down a panicking Anna. All three of them had given her suggestions for improvement of her lyrics as well as helped her with her delivery.

So, when she ended up performing her group's version of ITZY's WANNABE solo in the middle of their dressing room, they were suitably shocked and impressed. Yet Anna was the one who was surprised when the shouts and cheers at the end of her mini-performance came not from her soulmate, but from the newcomers, she hadn't noticed had arrived.

The members of TXT, who had come to say hello and wish good luck to their Hyungs and stars of their label, instead got a surprise show from their soulmate. Although, they had seen the videos on Anna's YouTube channel of her singing and dancing, seeing her in person was a little different, and they hoped that the rumours at the company of her joining the female trainees were true.

"That was awesome!"

"Hyungs! You didn't tell us Anna-Noona was an all-rounder!"

"Yeah, Hyungs! You should be bragging about having such a talented soulmate."

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