Jealousy and Intimidation

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After Yoongi left, the rest of them gathered in the living room. Anna ended up on the big sofa between Namjoon and Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin sat on the floor in front of them and Jin and Hoseok on the little sofa beside them.

Jimin and Jungkook started nudging and whispering to each other.

"You ask her!"

"No, Hyung. You want to know, you ask!"

"You want to know too!"


Anna looked at Taehyung. She was a little nervous. She knew her soulmates had the day off to rest from all the travelling and she wondered what the plan was. So, Anna waited quietly for someone else to say something.

"You like Chinese Idol?"

"Do I like Chinese idols?"

Taehyung nodded. Jungkook and Jimin stopped bickering at Taehyung's question and waited for Anna's answer.

"Umm, I suppose there's one that I follow, yeah."


"Wang Yibo?"

"Tell about him."

"He's an amazing dancer. Actually, he's kind of good at everything. He's similar to you Kookie. Quiet, hardworking, became a trainee at a young age. You're the same age actually."

"You really like him."

"I find him inspiring, but also a bit intimidating."


"Yeah, he has no time for anyone who doesn't give 100%. He's like all of you. An impressive individual. You know what you want, and you work hard to succeed. I used to think about which one of you I thought would be most intimidating to meet."



"Umm, I think I decided on Namjoon in the end."

"Me? You find me intimidating?"

"All of you are to be honest. Then again, I find most people intimidating."

Namjoon looked worried at Anna's words and she felt the need to get Namjoon to smile. She wrapped her arm through his, rested her other hand on his arm and leaned against him.

"I also think that you are the cutest one in the group, Joonie."


"Anna how could you say that!"


Jin and Hoseok joined Anna in laughing as the maknae line pouted at her.

Suddenly Anna realised she was still hanging on Namjoon's arm, so she started to let go and move away. She knew some people found it really annoying. Her mother had always told her off for hanging onto her.


Before Anna could move very far, Namjoon stopped her by placing his hand on hers.

"You're fine."

Their position suddenly felt very intimate and Anna noticed how Namjoon's arm felt under her hand. He must still be working out.

"I have a thing for biceps."

"I'm glad to hear it."

Anna's eyes widened in shock. She had not meant to say that out loud. She quickly changed the subject.

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