Waiting For You

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Tom asking her if she had eaten wasn't an unusual way for their Korean lesson to start. In fact, it was rather ordinary since this was a common way Koreans would ask someone how they were. As if, since food is so important, you could only be okay if you had eaten. Koreans live to eat, while others eat to live.

Anna had always thought that was a really nice thing. As someone who was never that interested in food, and sometimes felt as though she was just eating for the sake of it, being passionate about what she ate was a foreign concept for her. However, she could also blame English food because after trying Korean cuisine she could understand why they were so passionate about their food. It just tastes amazing.

This is why she was caught off guard when instead of their normal lesson, they went to a nearby café instead. Many thoughts of why this could be were running through Anna's mind. She wondered if this was a new tactic, a practical lesson, but she didn't realise how right she was.

When it was time for them to order and Tom didn't start speaking, Anna looked at him to find him staring at her. And then it hit her that this was like a pop quiz that he had sprung on her and she was supposed to use her newfound Korean skills to order for them. With wide eyes, she stared back at her teacher, before turning to the waitress.


When Anna got home, she collapsed on the bed and just stared up at the ceiling as the morning's events replayed in her mind. Her lips stretched into a grin and she fist bumped the air. She was now confident ordering in a café, and she was actually proud of herself.

The apartment was silent. So, with no one to share her achievement with Anna decided to celebrate with her boys in a different way. Which was how she found herself dancing around the living room like no one was watching.

As she listened to her soulmate's songs, she had fun just jumping around and including bits of the official choreography when she could remember it. It was when she was dancing to Anpanman, doing the aeroplane move, that she noticed a figure watching her from the side of the room.

Anna was so surprised and happy to see that one of her soulmates was home that, instead of being embarrassed at getting caught dancing, she ran over to him and jumped into his arms. She relaxed into his embrace as his arms wrapped around her.

They stayed like that for a few minutes before Hoseok tried to pull away, but Anna only clung to him tighter, making a sound of protest. Hobi chuckled and squeezed her tighter in return. Somehow, he managed to shuffle them over to the sofa, where he sat down and arranged Anna so that she was sitting across his lap. Anna snuggled into his chest, content.

"You're home."

"I had a bit of time for lunch and decided to pop home to eat with you. But you have fun without me."

"No, with you."

"With me?"

"Your music."

The dancer held her tighter at those words. Was she really using their music as a substitute for them not being there in person? Hopefully, their plan would work, and not only would they have more time for her and a way to keep her physically closer to them, but Anna would have something to keep her busy.

"I can teach you Anpanman dance, if you want?"

"Do you have time? You're busy."

"I make time for you. Remember? Later come with me to studio. Okay?"


"How was your day?"

"Oh! In my lesson we went to a café."

"Café? Nice."

"No, it was a test and I had to do all the talking!"

Hoseok watched Anna as she told him about her morning, and he couldn't help but smile. She was so animated as she talked, and he found her so cute. It wasn't often she looked so excited when she spoke, and his smile faltered at the thought that this excitement could be because she had spent so much time alone without anyone to talk to. After she had finished, he gave her a kiss.

"I'm so proud of you."

After lunch, Anna went back with Hoseok to work where he led her to one of the smaller dance studios. On their way there they saw Jungkook, who was so happy to see her that he picked her up and span her around. When he heard what they were going to be doing, he was really disappointed that he wouldn't be able to join them, but he had a singing lesson.

"I'll come by after my lesson!"

The first thing they did in the studio was warm up with some stretches. Anna was glad she had carried on doing a bit of yoga since she did it with Namjoon and Taehyung on holiday, so she wasn't completely inflexible. Of course, she was still nowhere near Hoseok's level of flexibility.

Although she had danced with him before, this time felt different. Anna had heard that Dance Teacher Hoseok was a whole different side to the smiling sunshine's personality. He was a hard taskmaster and she felt as though she saw a bit of that today.

Whereas their other sessions had been just for fun, whilst learning this routine he had been very particular about Anna doing all the moves perfectly. She was a little confused at why this was, but she was happy to learn the choreography properly.

What the lead dancer hadn't told Anna, was that he actually had a meeting with one of the choreographers and dance teachers to go over some new dance routines. If he had timed it correctly, they would turn up by the time Anna had learnt the whole dance, just in time to watch her final performance.

Although Hoseok hadn't planned to do this today, it was a part of the plan the boys had made for Anna's unofficial audition. So, when he had gone home to find Anna dancing, he had taken the opportunity to start putting their plan into action.

Soon their time was running out as Hoseok knew the staff would be arriving for their meeting very soon. Despite the short amount of time they had, Anna had managed to learn a majority of the dance and he was very impressed at her progress.

"Okay. Let's do all of song together, and then you alone."

Watching her as she danced, he could tell she wasn't 100% comfortable with the dance yet, especially when she danced by herself. However, he felt that she had a good grasp of the rhythm and the feeling of the dance. This was probably helped by knowing the song so well and having watched them perform it so many times.

Anna was just finishing her solo performance when Jungkook came in and insisted they go one more time so that he could join in and dance with her. There was a noticeable difference between dancing on her own and dancing with Jungkook. Anna was a lot freer. Since this wasn't a song they had practised recently, Jungkook didn't remember all the steps, so it didn't matter as much when Anna forgot one. Instead, they just did their own thing, but it still ended up matching the rest of the dance.

"That was awesome! Noona dance good!"

"I just taught her that today. She picked it up really quickly."

"So clever!"

They were interrupted by a staff member entering the studio."

"I've got a meeting now. Jungkook, are you free to hang out with Anna?"

"Yes. Anna want to come to my studio?"

Anna nodded.

"Thank you for the lesson Hobi. Bye!"

"See you later Hyung."

After Anna and the maknae had left the dance studio, Hoseok approached the staff member who he noticed had been watching Anna dance from outside the door.

"So, what did you think?"

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