Proving You Wrong

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When Jin finally allowed Anna to go to the company, she first went to look for Hoseok. She found him in the dance studio, but he wasn't dancing. She watched him from the doorway for a while. Music was playing, but he was just standing in the middle of the room staring at himself in the mirror. Every so often it seemed like he was going to start dancing, but it was as if he couldn't get his body to move. The whole scene was very worrying.

Have I caused this?

Eventually, Hoseok just sat down and put his head in his hands, and that was when Anna walked over to him. It felt like a lifetime since she had been here and the room felt different than it did before. Now, when she looked at this room it was a training centre, a classroom. It was no longer just a place to have fun with her soulmates.

Ignoring how the room made her feel Anna focused on her soulmate. She sat down on the floor beside him and considered what she should do. She decided to do what they always did in this room together, and started stretching. By the time she had finished warming up, Hoseok still hadn't moved. Anna hoped it was just because the music was so loud that he hadn't noticed her.

Anna stood up and nudged her soulmate with her foot. Finally, he looked up and smiled when he saw who was there. He stood up but before she could start talking, Anna shook her head and began to dance. Hoseok looked a little bewildered, but it wasn't long before he started dancing too.

There was no choreography for this music. This was a freestyle session. Although Anna had no idea what she was doing, the point of this was to help her soulmate, and she did. Seeing that Anna was still willing to dance with him after what she had found out, Hoseok was relieved. He was honestly surprised that she had even stepped a foot into the dance studio.

After Anna stopped, Hoseok carried on for a little while before finishing with a grin. He ran over to the sound system and lowered the music so that they would be able to hear each other speak.

"You came?!"

"I promised I would. Sorry, I took so long. Jin was holding me hostage."

Hoseok burst out laughing and Anna got a little worried he was going to hurt himself when he didn't stop. When he did, he smiled at her with a strange expression. Anna held out her arms and Hoseok happily fell into her embrace.

"I'm so sorry we hurt you and worse than that, we broke your trust. I hope you believe me when I say I will do everything possible to gain it back."

"I believe you."

"It didn't change anything. I still would have taught you to dance. I wanted to, even more so after I saw how much you enjoyed it. You have so much potential. I just wanted to help you see it too."

Anna didn't respond. She needed time to reflect on everything her soulmates were telling her today. Instead, she decided to do something else.

"I want to show you something."

She walked over to the sound system and searched for a particular song.

"Keep in mind that I have practised in over a week, okay?"

Hoseok nodded, wondering what she was about to show him. She waved her hands at him, and he moved to the side of the room to watch whatever was about to happen. When the music started, he was shocked at her choice of song. Is she about to dance to ON?

This had been one of Anna's side projects. She had secretly been practising the choreography for ON ever since Hoseok had told her she wasn't ready. And while it was a little out of character for her, she'd had this deep need to prove him wrong. ON was the song that had led her to BTS, that had made her an ARMY. It held a special meaning for Anna, and she had been determined to be able to perform it.

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