Time Limits

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It was BTS's day off and it had been heavily suggested to Yoongi that he shouldn't be sneaking off to his studio today.

Instead, they had made an appointment at the Soulmate Registration Office. While it wasn't a legal requirement for soulmates to register themselves, if one of the soulmates wasn't a citizen then they would need a Soulmate visa to live in the country permanently. The Soulmate Registration Office would also set up these soulmates with local bank accounts, SIM cards and anything else they may need as a non-citizen.

They sat in an office at the Soulmate Registration Office. Anna, as the soulmate who needed a visa, and Namjoon, as the leader and translator, were sitting in front of the desk, while the other members were sitting behind them.

"First let me assure you that your details will be kept private. Soulmate registrations are not public records, so you have nothing to worry about."

"Thank you. That is comforting to hear."

"Now to begin with, I will assume that your soulmate is foreign and therefore needs a Soulmate Visa?"

"That is correct."

"I will need some sort of identification, such as a passport, as well as to see proof of your bond."

"Proof of our bond? That will difficult. We haven't bonded with her yet."

"Ah. In that case, I can only issue you a temporary stay visa for a maximum of thirty days. By then, you will need to show proof of your soulmate bond or she will have to leave the country."

Anna had been listening to the conversation between Namjoon and the SRO worker, but she hadn't managed to grasp what they were saying. However, she could tell that something was wrong. She watched as Namjoon sighed and nodded at the worker before turning to face her.

"She said that because we do not have proof that we are soulmates, you can only be issued with a temporary visa. If we do not have proof within thirty days, you will have to leave Korea."

Proof that we are soulmates? How do we... Oh. Anna looked down at her lap, anxiously wringing her hands. One kiss and this wouldn't have been a problem. Now she had a deadline to kiss her soulmates and complete their bond. No pressure.

"Sorry. This is my fault. I've made things difficult."


Anna looked up as a hand covered her own. Jin was staring at her with a usually serious expression on his face.

"Jin is right. Don't worry about it. Okay?"

She turned her head to face Hoseok who was sitting behind her. He rested a hand on her head before leaning forward to place a kiss on her forehead. Hoseok went on to stroke her hair, while Jin held her hands. Anna felt her face heat up under the attention of two of her soulmates.


Anna's attention was turned back to Namjoon when he called her name. In his hands were two items, which he handed to her.

"Here are your Korean sim card and bank card. They also offer a tutor service here. If you wanted to, you could sign up for Korean lessons."

"Oh wow, they have everything! I suppose lessons are a definite yes."

Namjoon listened as the woman told him about the lessons before he translated for Anna.

"There is a class starting in a few weeks, which will be two evenings a week, or they offer one-on-one tutoring?"

Anna debated between the two options. One-on-one tutoring would probably be more productive than a class, but it would also be a lot more expensive. Can I even afford lessons?

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