New Beginnings

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Anna tried not to let her nerves get the best of her as she glanced around at the other trainees. She was warming up for her first dance lesson. What surprised her most when she entered the room was that this was a mixed class. Both the male and female trainees would be having this class together, which focused on teaching them various styles of dance.

Many things were on her mind. Would she be as good as the others? What if she couldn't keep up? Would she make any friends? Would they know who she was? What if they used her to get close to her soulmates? What if they iced her out because they thought she didn't earn her place among them?

Before she could spiral any further, their teacher arrived, and they spend the next few hours being pushed to their limits. Luckily, Anna was used to such intense dance lessons from working with Hoseok, so she didn't suffer too much.

Next, she had a meeting with her social media team to plan out some more YouTube content for her channel and work out a schedule for her to film it. She had done dance covers, song covers, and a couple of cooking vlogs. Now they were talking about other ideas, such as a craft session to which Anna suggested birthday cards as Jin's birthday was coming up soon.

The staff also suggested a question-and-answer video. Apparently, there had been a lot of questions commented on all of her social media accounts as fans wanted to know more about Anna. Personally, she didn't find herself that interesting, but if fans wanted to know then it was a fairly easy video idea.

Due to the massive success of doing a video with one of her soulmates, of course, HYBE wanted her to include them again. This, paired with the success of Lee Hyun's videos working with their Idol groups, meant that they were planning to do a similar project with Anna. However, finding a time when this would be possible was going to take a while, as the groups were focused on their end-of-year performances and Anna now had her busy trainee schedule.

In the afternoon, she had a meeting with her vocal coach, who got her to do various singing exercises to gauge what her strengths were and what she needed to work on. Then she had to practically run down to the dance studio where the female trainee's dance class was.

This dance class focused on studying girl group dances. They would be taught three main types of ways to perform: cute, sexy, and fierce. Anna wasn't too worried about fierce. She had been learning some BTS dances which were on the strong side. Cute wouldn't be too difficult either. Since finding her soulmates, Anna had learnt a lot of cute gestures as the boys would do anything she asked if she paired it with some aegyo. Yet despite the dance she had done with Jungkook, Anna didn't think she could pull off acting sexy, she just found it embarrassing.

While she had hoped to catch the other female trainees after class and introduce herself, their teacher had called her over to discuss the assignment the other trainees had been given the week before. Now Anna had only a few days to learn a song and dance to perform in class. Although she wouldn't be kicked out if this assignment wasn't up to scratch - only because she was given so much less time than everyone else - she would still be judged if it was anything less than acceptable.

Anna left the dance studio a little shocked at what she had just been told. She didn't know when she would have the time to learn so much in the next few days. Suddenly she realised she had walked all the way to her soulmates' studios and had stopped outside Jungkook's Golden Closet.

Deciding she deserved a little break before she started working on her assignment, Anna knocked on the door hoping that someone was inside. It took a few minutes for the door to open, but she was pleasantly surprised when she saw Taehyung in the doorway.


Her soulmate with the boxy grin immediately wrapped her in a big bear hug as soon as he saw her.

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