Make Yourself at Home

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On Anna's second day in Korea, the members had to go to work. Although they invited her to tag along, Anna choose to stay home. She hadn't even unpacked yet. The members left early, so they were already gone when Anna woke up. It was weird being there without them.

"Okay, first job: unpack."

Anna looked into the suitcase which she had been living out of for the past month.

"I should probably wash these first..."

Although she had made use of the washing facilities at the hotels they had stayed at, most of it needed washing again, so there was no point putting it away in the wardrobe yet. Anna carried her washing to the laundry room. You can do this Anna, I'm sure washing machines in Korea are the same as in England... Anna had forgotten about one small detail.

"Apart from being in Korean... Crap. Of course, it's all in Korean."

Anna fetched her phone and opened Papago while she sat down in front of the machine. Thank god for translation apps. Anna continued to murmur to herself as she started typing the words into her phone. I really should have asked Kookie how to work it. I bet he would have offered to do my washing for me though, and what would I say...

"Sorry Kookie but I'm not ready for you to touch my dirty underwear yet."

Anna grimaced. So embarrassing. She sighed. Translating was hard work. This is going to be my life from now on. Anna was worried. Languages were definitely not her forte. She had learnt French at school for six years and yet could never put a sentence together. What if I can't learn Korean? It was something Anna had thought about before. When she was just a fan it didn't really matter if she could never speak Korean as she had never expected she would need to. However, as BTS's soulmate, it definitely mattered. Surely fate wouldn't give them a soulmate who was incapable of learning their language, right? Anna just needed to trust in fate.

"Hey! I'm just like Kookie in Bon Voyage!"

Anna laughed. It wasn't long before Anna collapsed in defeat. She had translated everything, but she felt none the wiser about what settings to use. Maybe I should wait until they get back? And tell them I couldn't even work a washing machine?

"Nope. Let's wing it!"

After praying that her clothes would be okay, Anna went back to her room. I still feel bad for kicking Kookie out of his own room. Anna sighed. What else can I do? She had already put her toiletries in the bathroom. Anna looked at the time. Either she had got up really late or working out the washing machine had taken her the whole morning because it was already lunchtime.

"Next up, figuring out the kitchen."

Anna ended up having ramen. Quick, easy, and relatively safe.

After lunch, Anna got out her Korean vocab book and sat at Kookie's desk.

"Okay, let's practice while they aren't around."

She spent the next few hours going over some vocabulary and reading along with some recordings.

Anna groaned in frustration, putting her head in her hands. Why is my memory like a sieve? She was lost. She had made some progress at recognising written words, but even after a year of studying, she struggled to recognise them verbally.

Deciding it was time for a break, Anna made her way into the living room when she suddenly remembered her washing. After moving it into the dryer, she sat on the sofa in the living room. It may seem silly, considering how she now lived with the real-life versions as her soulmates, but she turned on YouTube to watch BTS videos.

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