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Anna was in the dressing room curled up on a sofa looking at her phone. The members had finished their rehearsals and sound check and now they were getting their hair and makeup done for the concert. Usually, she did some work while the boys were busy, but today Anna didn't feel like she would be able to concentrate enough to be productive. So, instead, she was reading.

She was reading BTS fanfiction. The thought had crossed her mind that she probably shouldn't be reading this sort of stuff anymore. But it had basically been her life for the past two years. Even before she was an ARMY, she came across some BTS fan fiction and that was how she learnt about the boys. So, she already knew that Namjoon was clumsy, Jin like to cook, and Jungkook was a bunny who loved banana milk before she had even known them in real life.

Now that she has met the boys in real life and they are her soulmates, she probably shouldn't be reading at least certain kinds of fanfiction about them, if any. However, in some way Anna doesn't really consider the boys in real life, her soulmates, to be the same as the ones she reads about. The boys in the fanfictions are part of a fantasy world in her mind, and while she may know the boys in her imagination, she can't assume she knows the real boys of BTS.

"What are you reading, Anna?"

Jimin made Anna jump when he appeared behind her peering over her shoulder. It took her a minute to translate what he had said. She immediately hid her phone screen.


Jimin narrowed his eyes wondering why Anna was acting so suspiciously, but he didn't push her for an answer.

Looking over the back of the sofa, Anna noticed that Jin was getting his makeup done. She watched curiously. She was often fascinated by watching other people apply makeup. There were a few people she followed on social media, though she often wondered why because she never tried out any of the looks on herself.

Anna couldn't really see what the makeup artist was doing from where she was sitting on the sofa. Noticing an empty chair next to Jin, she made her way over to it.

"Do you mind... I watch?"

Anna addressed the makeup artist making gestures to the chair and Jin at the same time, hoping she would understand.


"Thank you."

Anna moved the chair far enough away so that she wouldn't get in the artist's way and angled it to face away from the mirror and towards Jin. She didn't want to have to look at herself in the mirror.

"She just wants an excuse to stare at my handsome face."

Anna didn't understand exactly what Jin said, but she could guess from in tone and the way the makeup artist rolled her eyes, that he was teasing her. The staff member was obviously used to hearing such things from Jin. She stared at him for a moment, unsure how to reply.


It made Anna smile when Jin started laughing. This caused the artist to lightly scold him because she couldn't do his makeup while he was laughing.

"I don't wear a lot of makeup, but I like watching other people."

"You not need makeup."

"No, I am lazy."

"You wear when we first see you."

"That was a special occasion."

The conversation had begun to make Anna uncomfortable, so she untucked her hair from behind her ears so that it curtained her face. Of course, they would notice when she was and wasn't wearing makeup, but having Jin say it outright like that made her think about it. Should I wear more make-up around them? Anna had made a lot of progress in this department over the past few years. She used to always wear foundation, to cover up her flaws and redness, but then she started focusing on her skincare. Her aim was to clear up her skin so that she didn't feel the need to cover up anymore. She had managed to make her skin look good enough that she felt she could go with foundation. Korean sheet masks were now her best friend.

An Indescribable FeelingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora