Nothing But You

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When Anna woke up on the last day of their holiday it was late morning. Since it was a Sunday, she didn't have a Korean lesson and therefore hadn't needed to set an alarm to make sure she woke up on time.

As she was usually the first one up it was a surprise when she rolled over to find Yoongi already awake. He was sitting up against the wall with his laptop in front of him and his headphones on.

Anna had always thought Yoongi was so lucky to know what he was passionate about and actually be able to do it as his job. Unlike Anna who didn't have anything, she was particularly passionate. Why can't you make a living out of being a fangirl?

Even if you found something you were passionate about, doing it as a job, all day every day, wouldn't that ruin it for you? Anna tried to think of something she could do for hours on end without getting bored and there was only one thing that came to mind: singing. However, that was just for fun. If she had to perfect her singing and have someone tell her all her mistakes, would she still love it?

"Morning Anna."

Lost in thought, Anna hadn't noticed that she was staring at Yoongi, but he had. Looking down at her, he reached over and stroked her head, brushing a few stray hairs away from her face. He had been up for a while already, working on his laptop. Really, he should have gotten up so he could work with all his equipment, but he hadn't wanted to leave Anna. Especially since she was his inspiration.

Ever since he had first heard her voice, that first morning she spent in their home, his head had been full of tunes that he had been busy working into songs. After talking with Jungkook last night and having heard Anna sing again, he now had a project to work on.

Yoongi watched Anna close her eyes, smiling as he continued to stroke her head. He couldn't help but think about how cute she was every time he looked at her. Whenever she looked shy or unsure, a need to look after her would come over him. Yet, he would always be amazed, and proud, when she would have these moments of confidence.

"I like your singing. You have nice voice."

"Thank you."

Anna looked up at him. It was hard to imagine now that she had once found him intimidating. Now, he was her sweet and funny, but slightly aloof and hardworking soulmate. Despite the little quality time they've had together, Yoongi was the member of BTS who she felt she had a particularly special connection with. It seemed like he understood her and perhaps even knew her better than she knew herself.

"You're working in bed?"

Yoongi closed his laptop and put it and his headphones on the floor next to the bed. When he sat back up Anna seemed to be staring at him.

"Why? Why look at me?"

However, Anna was trying to think of words she knew in Korean to describe Yoongi. Handsome, beautiful, cute, but there was only one she could remember.




"You say I pretty?"


Anna was cursing her ability to randomly say her thoughts out loud. She rolled onto her back and brought the bed sheets up to cover her face. Yoongi grinned at her reaction and reached over to pull the covers away. So instead, Anna covered her blushing face with her hands, but Yoongi was not going to let this go that easily.

He took her wrists in his hands, pulled them away from her face and rested them on the pillow on either side of her head. Now that he was leaning over her, his body hovering above hers, the mood changed to a different kind of teasing.

As she stared wide-eyed up at him, she somehow managed to hold his intense gaze. Anna swore that whenever he looked at her, Yoongi could see straight into her soul.

"Is this okay? This okay?"

She didn't know why, but Anna couldn't respond. She had so many thoughts, that her mind was just a buzz of white noise. Was she okay with this? Why shouldn't she be? This was Yoongi her soulmate. What was she afraid of?

Yoongi released her wrists. Leaning on one of his arms, he brought his other hand to her face and stroked her cheek.


When her eyes focused on his, she saw the concern in his eyes and decided something. She didn't want to be afraid anymore. She had always been afraid of so many things, but this time she refused to let it stop her from being closer to her soulmates.

Reaching up her hands, she held Yoongi's head and pulled him in closer as she raised her head to meet him. Their lips met in a chaste but passionate kiss. Anna tried to deepen the kiss and Yoongi took charge, pushing her into the mattress as he did so.

Instead of being full of noise, Anna's mind was now empty of anything but the kiss. All she could do was feel. Feel the weight of his body on hers, of his hands on her skin, of his mouth devouring hers.

When he broke away, she gasped for air. Seeing her lying beneath him, chest heaving, and pupils blown, made him smirk. If this was how she looked after just a kiss, he couldn't wait for later. Knowing that Anna wasn't ready for that quite yet, Yoongi called on his self-control.

Anna had just about recovered from her soulmate's attack when she suddenly found herself upright. Yoongi had flipped them over so she was straddling him, her hands resting on his chest. She felt slightly exposed in this position. While he probably thought she would feel better if she was in control, she actually felt more secure with the weight of his body above her.

Yoongi reached up and caressed her face again.

"So beautiful."

Usually, Anna wouldn't believe him or take his words seriously. Yet, as he stared up at her, Yoongi had such an expression in his eyes that she suddenly felt overcome with emotion.

Noticing, Yoongi sat up so they were close once more, his hands still holding her face. Gently he pressed his lips to her and poured all his feelings into it, hoping that she would be able to feel them.

Slowly the kiss became more heated and with newfound confidence, Anna pushed Yoongi back onto the bed without disconnecting their lips.

Later Anna would wonder if that morning she had gotten a taste of the rapper's tongue technology.

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