It's a date

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Anna was passed out like a starfish on the dance studio floor. She had spent the week learning and practising the choreography for her songs. Next week while the boys were in America she had her photoshoot for the album and then they would be filming the music videos.

When she heard that two of her songs would be getting music videos she was over the moon. The two videos were going to be very different. Her title track would be a storytelling, movie-like video, while the b-side track was going to be more of a performance video. It was the latter that she had been practising the choreography for today.

"Noona! I found her, Hyungs!"

Anna turned her head towards the door as Jungkook practically ran in and Yoongi and Hoseok followed behind moments later.

"Well done, Kookie. We've been looking everywhere for you, Princess. Have you not checked your phone?"

"Some of us have new choreography to learn."

"Funny, Jagi. Need a hand?"

Yoongi held out his hand and pulled Anna up off the floor.

"Why were you looking for me?"

"Noona! They finally decided -"

"Ah! Check your phone and you'll see."

Anna looked at them strangely but did as she was told and screamed.

"Is this for real?! It's really happening?"

"Yep. Congrats, you've got your debut date!"

"8th July. Wow, that's less than two months away! Is that enough time?"

"The songs are recorded and ready. I bet you've learnt the choreography already. Now it's just the camera stuff and that's all scheduled for next week, right?"

"Yeah. It's just... so fast!"

"It seems like it now, but I bet time will drag."

"Nah, I've got your comeback to keep me occupied."

"You mean to distract you."

"Well... Have you seen the photos they released? Stunning!"

"I can't wait to see your photos, Noona."

"Since you'll be in America when I have my photoshoot, you'll have to wait a couple of weeks."

"What? No one, you're not going to make me wait are you?"

"You mean like I had to wait to see yours?"

"She's got you there, Kook."

"But... Fine."

"Aww. Don't pout like that, Kookie."

The others laughed as Jungkook playfully turned his back on Anna pretending to ignore her. The Maknae walked away and she followed until they ended up chasing each other around the room.

The day they left for Washington DC, Anna wished them all goodbye at home. As she hugged Namjoon last, she whispered in his ear.

"You got this. You are strong, smart, kindhearted, and a genius when it comes to speaking English. I love you."

"I love you. Thank you."

Their home was quiet without them and Anna realised that this was the first time none of them had been with her since they met. If she hadn't been so busy then she might have felt more lonely, but her days were spent at work. However, at night she missed having her soulmates' arms wrapped around her.

The next few days were emotional for Anna. For the photoshoot, they had gone with the four concepts that she pitched. To make sure that the photos conveyed the emotion she was going she spent time before each shoot getting into character. Since love was the overall theme, Anna thought a lot about her soulmates.

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