Ignite Your Bones

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"Did everyone sleep well?"

Positive murmurs echoed around the table at Hoseok's question. Jin, Yoongi and Anna had started cooking before waking the others up. Some of the members had only gotten up just as lunch was being put on the table.

"I bet Yoongi Hyung slept well."

"I did actually Jimin. Thank you very much for your present. It was beautiful."

"What? You saw... you mean she wore them?"

"Did you pack her other pyjamas?"

Jimin just sat and gaped at Yoongi in shock.

"I thought it was very selfless of you, to give up your chance of being Anna's roommate. Very kind of you Jiminie."

Namjoon chuckled to himself as he patted Jimin, who was now pouting, on the head.

"Serves you right. Anyway, moving on. What is everyone planning on doing today?"

"Jin Hyung, are you going fishing?"

"I've already been. Anna go fish with me!"

Jin wrapped his arm around Anna and gave her a kiss on the side of her head.

"You know how to fish?"

"Umm, a little."

"No, no! Anna professional."

"You mean she's better than you Hyung?"


They all burst out laughing.


Later that afternoon everyone was doing their own thing when Anna left the main house. The maknae line had decided to turn on the karaoke machine and as much as she loved hearing them sing, after a while she needed to go somewhere where she could focus.

Outside she was walking across the large grassy lawn when she spotted Namjoon sitting at the picnic bench reading a book. She debated whether joining him would disturb him, but ultimately decided that they both wanted the same thing: peace and quiet.

"Do you mind if I join you?"

Namjoon looked up from his book.

"I promise I'll be quiet."

"Of course, you can Anna."

For a while, the two of them sat in comfortable silence, until she noticed that RM kept sighing. The noise of the maknae line singing karaoke in the main house could be heard outside, they were so loud. After the tenth sigh, she decided to help poor Namjoon out.

Anna got up and walked back to the main house. When she entered the living room, her youngest soulmates called her name excitedly, hoping she was there to join them.

"Could you turn the noise down a bit please? We can hear you from all the way out there and Namjoon can't focus on his book."

"We very loud?"


"Okay. Anna sing and we stop?"

She pictured Namjoon practically pulling his hair out as he read the same paragraph over and over again. She didn't understand why they were all so insistent on getting her to sing, but to get their hard-working leader some peace and quiet she would do it.

"Okay. Let me choose."

"Maybe. I like that one. Not bad."

Anna muttered to herself as she looked through the available songs until a particular one caught her eye. Once she had chosen, the boys eagerly awaited her performance. At hearing the intro Taehyung gasped and Jimin shushed him as Anna started to sing.

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