A Lesson in Revenge

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Anna was standing in front of the door to the room she believed would be the best hiding place. She needed to get away, find somewhere peaceful where she could relax for a while. Her soulmates were driving her crazy. You would have thought she was a dog in heat by the way they were throwing themselves at her whenever, and wherever, they had the slightest bit of privacy.

It had started at home, being pinned against walls, and pushed against any available surface. They would kiss her breathless and tease her skin with their fingertips before pulling away with an excuse. She thought that at least at work she would get a reprieve. Her soulmates were professionals after all and would never act such a way at work. However, Anna was mistaken.

What she needed was a plan. Ever since Jin had left her wanting more that night she had wanted to find a way to get him back. Unfortunately, she was inexperienced and unconfident when it came to these kinds of things. If only she had a friend who she felt comfortable enough to talk with and get advice.

She was still breathing heavily from her most recent encounter with one of her teasing soulmates. Earlier, Namjoon had pulled her into his studio with barely a word spoken, sat on his sofa, and pulled her into his lap. It had ended as quickly as it had started. One moment he was running his hands up and down her body and the next he was leaving for a 'very important' meeting.

That was what had led her to be standing outside the door to this room. The room with the not-so-welcoming signs adorning it. Hopefully, her demanding soulmates wouldn't find her here or be able to enter.

Anna tried knocking first, but the door did not open. As she couldn't hear anything from inside, she guessed the room was empty and typed in the password that few others had been trusted with.

She was wrong. When she opened the door, she was greeted by Yoongi playing his guitar.

"Sorry. I go."

"Anna. It's okay. You can stay if you want."

She didn't need to be told twice. Something she hadn't seen yet was Yoongi playing his guitar in person. She still remembered the V Live he did a year ago now, before his operation, where he played for ARMY and even sang along. So, she was ecstatic to be able to finally see it now. She had been meaning to ask him to play for her.

"Did you need something?"

"No. Here, I hide?"

Yoongi just nodded and continued playing, so Anna settled in his chair and listened. After a few songs, she felt all the tension in her fade away. This was normal for them. The producer had given her the password so that she could have a space she could go to get away. He understood her need for space, for peace and quiet. Usually, she just sat quietly while he worked if he was there. Unlike others, she never disrupted his work.

After a while, he spoke up.

"Why are you hiding? Or should I ask, from whom?"

"Namjoon... attack me in his studio and yesterday it was Jimin and Taehyung... together!"

Yoongi didn't look surprised, in fact, he didn't even spare Anna a glance. Yet, she knew he was listening, so it could only mean one thing.

"You know why they do it. I was right, wasn't I? They do on purpose."

She watched Yoongi closely for any sign of confirmation that she was right. Her guitar-playing soulmate pursed his lips slightly, before sighing and putting his guitar to one side. He rested his forearms on his thighs, leaning forward towards her.

"Yes. They are teasing you on purpose."

Now she knew for sure, Anna wasn't sure how to react to the knowledge that her soulmates had teamed up against her. What exactly was their end game here?

"How you manage six soulmates? Never mind, they would never tease you."

"They tried many times in the past, but not so much now. I always win."

As Yoongi smirked at his own words, Anna had no doubt that they were true.

"You haven't joined them. Haven't teased me?"

"Why? Would you like me to?"

"No, no, no. That's okay."

"You gave us limits, boundaries you were not ready to pass. Have they passed them? Done something you don't like?"


"Then what's the problem?"

When he put it like that Anna felt a little silly. Yoongi was right. Her soulmates stopped because she asked them to. They would never go further unless she said so unless she initiated it. However, four against one wasn't fair and she hated feeling out of her depth.

She wanted to tease them back. She would decide that the next one to approach her she would push away, deny them before they denied her. But when the moment came, she would be overwhelmed by their presence, unable to think clearly. Or unconsciously she didn't want to push them away.

Perhaps that was the problem. She always waited for them to come to her. A new idea formed in her mind. Anna looked at Yoongi with determination.

"I want to tease them."


"I don't know how."

Yoongi regarded her seriously. At first, he had felt disbelief at her words, but then he remembered that before them she had zero experience. He supposed that seven soulmates at once was a little much. He knew first-hand how intense some of the others could be.


Anna was at a loss. She could feel herself panic as she didn't know where to begin. Staring at Yoongi sitting on the sofa reminded her of Namjoon in his studio earlier. While the leader had been in charge then, Anna had imagined some things she could have done.

Biting her lip anxiously, Anna moved towards Yoongi and pushed him so that he was leaning back against the sofa. Now she had room to sit on his lap. Slowly she knelt on one knee on the sofa beside her soulmate. Resting one hand on his shoulder for balance, she lifted her other leg and lowered herself so that she was straddling his lap.

Once she was comfortable, she ran her fingers through his hair, down the back of his head to his neck. She continued to stroke her fingertips across his skin, down the column of his throat, along his jaw, and across his cheek. When her soulmates had teased her, they had been fast and passionate, whereas Anna's movements were slow and sensual.

When she finished with her hands resting on his chest, Anna looked into Yoongi's eyes to find them dark with desire. She could feel his chest move beneath her hands from his heavy breaths. At some point, he had rested his own hands on her hips, where he kept a firm grip.

Feeling more confident, Anna smiled a little at her soulmate's reaction to her attentions. Reaching down to grab his wrists, she lifted his hands away from her body and held them above his head. Leaning in she gave him a peck on the lips.

"How am I doing?"

"I don't think you need any help, but there is one problem."

Yoongi easily broke his arms free of her hold, grabbing her wrists instead.

"This worked because I let you. You won't be able to hold the others down."

Anna pouted at the kink in her plans, but then she smiled with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Kookie could hold them down for me."

When she started giggling at her own words, Yoongi couldn't help but watch her with the softest expression. She was just too cute.

Pulling her forward, he let go of her arms to wrap his around her. The producer held her tightly against him and nuzzled his nose against her neck. Anna had sought him out for peace, but Yoongi was the one who found comfort in her presence.

Anna was getting a little uncomfortable from kneeling for so long that she started wiggling around. The soulmate she was sitting on groaned and grabbed her hips to keep her still.

"Stop moving. Please."

"What....? Oh. Oops!"

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