An Honest Conversation

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"Are we having this conversation in Korean or English?"

Anna caught Korean or English from what Jin said and answered while the others were still pondering.

"You can all speak in Korean."

"No. Tonight is about you, Anna. So, I think we should try our best to speak English."

"But it's seven against one..."

"Then we could argue that our English is better than your Korean."

Anna couldn't disagree with that.

"Apart from Jimin-Hyung."


They all laughed as Jimin gave Jungkook a smack on the arm. The older members regarded Jungkook proudly, they knew the maknae was trying to get Anna to relax. They had all noticed how she looked as though she was about to walk the plank.

Earlier they had discussed what they wanted to talk to Anna about tonight. Namjoon went first.

"First of all, we would like to apologise to you Anna. We haven't been taking very good care of you these past few weeks."

Anna was shocked. This was not at all what she had imagined they were going to say.

"What? No. Don't apologise! You don't have to take care of me."

"Anna, you left your whole life behind, everything you knew and decided to come with us after just meeting us. You are travelling to a country you have never been to, where you can't speak the language and you won't know anybody apart from us."

Namjoon took one of Anna's hands in both of his. As usual, she was stunned by the physical contact and stared down at their combined hands.

"We are very grateful that you have done this, but it must be scary for you."

"I, uh, I guess I've been trying not to think about it too much. Besides, everything scares me, so I'm used to it."

Namjoon's words really touched Anna, so at first, she was lost for words, but then she started to ramble.

"You make it sound as though I dropped my old life for soulmates I barely knew, but you aren't exactly strangers to me. However, I am a stranger to all of you."

She looked around at all seven of them.

"I knew when I decided to jump on a plane and follow you for the rest of your tour, that you guys would be busy. Perhaps I should have waited and joined you when you got back to Korea..."


"We want you here."

Anna smiled at their words and looked down at where Namjoon was still holding her hand and focused on his ring finger.

"I've been meaning to ask, why do you all have a 1 instead of a ring mark?"

"We still have one more soulmate to bond to."

"Oh. How did you know that is what it meant?"

"Every time another one of us joined the group, the number went down. When we met Jimin it changed to one."

As she thought about it, Anna realised something.

"But that would mean..."

"We have been waiting for you for a very long time."

"Wow. Well I hope you aren't disappointed."

"Why would we be disappointed?"

"Umm, perhaps I should tell you some things about myself. I'm shy and I'm quiet. I'm uncomfortable in large groups..."

An Indescribable FeelingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin