Questions, Answers, and Surprises

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Yoongi ignored his older soulmate.

"You never came back to our room last night."

Jin studied the rapper for any reaction, but he didn't get anything

"Did something happen?"

"You sure you want to know?"

The eldest rested his chin on his hands and looked eagerly at Yoongi, who smirked in response.

"Okay then."

Jin's smile turned into a smirk as he raised an eyebrow at Yoongi's story, but as he listened his mouth dropped open. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Did you...?"

"No, we didn't go that far."

"Damn. Still, both of them together? You lucky thing. "


"Nah, just looking forward to my turn."

"Your turn for what, Hyung?"

Jin grabbed Jungkook and pulled him onto his lap.

"With you."

The others barely took notice as their youngest and oldest started play fighting.

Meanwhile, Namjoon had something on his mind.

"Tae? How many tickets did you say you got for the concert?"

Taehyung looked over at the leader with a blank look on his face.

"What concert?"

"The one you got Anna tickets to for her birthday."

The younger member's eyes widened in recognition for a moment before he tried to act casual.

"Oh, um, didn't I tell you?"

Noticing his soulmate's slightly odd behaviour, Jimin joined the conversation.

"Tell us what?"

"I only got a ticket for Anna."

"You mean she's going by herself!"

"No... Lay only had a spare ticket because whoever he was going with can't make it anymore. How would I get eight tickets for a sold-out concert? I can't perform miracles."

"You can't?"

Namjoon raised an eyebrow, while Jimin smirked.

"I beg to differ."

Overhearing the conversation, Hoseok leaned towards Taehyung with furrowed eyebrows.

"So, is it going to be just Lay and Anna?"


"You don't know."

Taheyung just smiled sheepishly.

"How do you not know?"

"I was worried about the Idol on stage, not off!"

Jimin gasped.

"Is Anna an EXO fan as well?"

"Oh dear god. Jimin, do not start this again."

He pouted at his scolding from Namjoon but didn't say anything more on the subject.

Later that day, Namjoon was working in his studio when his phone rang. When he saw who was calling, he was shocked at the coincidence.

"Hey, Jackson."

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