NO. 1

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She woke up on her bed. The room was small, tidy and dark. OF12 felt sweat on her whole body. Nightmare, it was just a nightmare. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. That dream again.

Woman holding a little girl in her arms. She was beautiful, blond perfect hair and blue eyes. She was proudly standing there, protectively hugging her daughter. How old could she be? Four? Five? She was crying while four tall and creepy man were approaching them.

Girl pressed her tiny face against her mother's shoulder closing her eyes, breathing heavily. OF12 has been standing aside watching this whole situation. She desperately wanted to go towards them, help them, but she couldn't move, she couldn't talk, she couldn't scream at that woman when a gun showed in hand of the tallest men.

He shot that woman. Girl was all covered in her mother's blood. "Moomy," she was whispering, "Moomy please wake up." Woman was breathing heavily, everyone knew that is the end, no one will be able to help her. One of the four man drugged that girl away from dying person on the ground. She fighted him, trying to get to her Moomy. That man suddenly aimed his gun against little girl. And the only thing after that was one loud Bang!

OF12 was sitting on her bed, she was already calm. She was not someone who would be scared by mere dream. She was strong and clever. She was the last one from Twelve. She was the one going this far, she was able to go the farthest of all of them. She was the only one living in the end. So she will not let something like dreams destroy her. Never.

She laied back down and put her hands behind her head. Staring at the white and weirdly clean ceiling, she was waiting for her sleep to come back. Luckily it came back fast.

She was awaken the next morning at 5:45. Exactly like others mornings. Wake up at 5:45 going to bed at 21:00. Normally she would have fifteen minutes to have breakfast, take a shower and get ready for her daily program. But not today. They were expecting a special guest. She smiled for herself, she was feeling excited.

She was standing there naked. She new that others are watching her and observing every inch of her body, but she was okay with that. OF12 was raised with girls and boys and they were thought, that their naked body is not something to be ashamed of. She knew very well that her body is a weapon as well as a machine gun.

While OF12 was standing there all confident about herself, president and two another man he brought with him were frowning on the other side of the mirror. "How old did you say she is?" asked president the men who was sitting behind computer showing them her abilities on video. He was obviously the head of this program.

"She is seventeen," said Mr. Ohwaren proudly. President frowned even more. Seventeen years old girl standing naked in front of them without any shame. He shaked his head in disbelief.

"She can speak seven languages perfectly and her education is already at university student's level. And with that is meant in everything. Her fighting skills are beyond our expectations, I even could say she is better than many male soldiers. Here," he said and clicked on video of girl fighting. Yes, they definitely created a perfect weapon, thought president.

They have been talking for a while already. He saw this girl's tests, physical and at her studies as well. But no matter what they showed him, he already had a conclusion.

This was started illegally. He already knew, that except this girl there was another eleven children. Eight boys and four girls. He went through their tests and saw how cruel some were. Eleven kids died in this. They waited for this day to show him a perfect soldier with no fear and completely loyal to their state and nation. They wanted him to approve of that.

But how could he? He was father himself. He would not want his son or daughter to be in this situation. So he has already decided. He will not approve this. No, he will ban this forever. No one can make him change his mind.

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