NO. 15

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The car door bursted open and Gevin, the bravest man in a world, almost felt from his chair. Kim looked at young hacker, he was a few years older than Cia - about 23 years?

"Yeah, you would definitely survive a zombie apocalypse," Cia said sarcastically as she sat on one seat. She was dressed in black now.

"Hey, even a zombie would be scared of you!" Gevin murmured to himself and stared a car.

"Are you aright?" Kim asked her.
"I feel like puking, but otherwise I'm OK, I guess." She answered.

Cia felt his body on hers. His hands holding hers. His lips on her skin. His breath, smelling like alcohol.
Who is going to help her now?
The answer: No one...
Cia disembarassed her hand from his and found a small injection which was tacked to her tight.

She plunged it stright to his neck and injected him a sleeping serum. The needle was so small that he could barely notice it and that it left no mark. In next second he passed out.

He was drunk. He won't even remember her face. Plus everything about this serum is not different from getting drunk. He will wake up with hangover.

Cia pushed him of off her, completely disgusted by what just happened. What all those girls went through. Cia walked out. His two bodyguards were giving them sort of privacy, so they couldn't overheard their conversation. She walked towards one of them, making sure she looked drunk too.

"I think you should go to check on him. He pased out before we even got to do something," she said sullenly. "He should be fine, but since there's no fun for me, I'll get going." Both of them ran to the room and Cia walked away.

She took her coat and walked out, still going from side to side, like if she was drunk for real. Cia was well aware that they are following her. She took a taxi and saw those guys following her in a car. They were definitely not risking anything.

When Cia got to a concrete location, she went stright to an apartment which Anastasia Morloe owned. She went up, lighted whole apartment and went to bathroom. At 22:55 she put all the lights out and sneaked away, dressed all in black.

At 23:00 Cia was already sitting in car next to Kim, driving towards Mark's house.

"You feel like puking? You didn't even drink that much," he teased her.
"I'm not talking about alcohol, I had barely two glasses. I'm talking about that awful low human being. God I have already rubbed my skin off and it still doesn't seem to be enough." Kim looked at her sympathetically.

She wasn't drunk. Of course she wasn't, it would make everything even harder. No, they had a barman there. He was mixing alcoholic drinks for Mark and drinks without alcohol for her. Cia only acted. It was for Oscar of course.

"But you did it. You recorded everything he said and have even filmed it! It is great!"
"Yes, but both of us know that it won't be taken as a proper prove, since we recorded it secretly and he was drunk. That is why we are on our way to his place right now," Cia stated and looked out of the window. This night was bringing memories to her...

"How is it at home? Was someone looking for me, or came to my room?" Kim shaked his head while concentrating on a recorded and filmed material. Cia was just staring from window, she didn't really need to see or hear those things again. Her stomach was still turning upside down, just from thinking about it.

They arrived to empty house. Obviously, Cia was the one sneaking inside, looking for informations and sneaking out as well.

"Gevin, is everything ready?"
"Yup, no camera will catch you, get to the door, I'll opened them for you." Cia took a mask, just to make sure no one can recognise her and jumped from the car on road. Black van drove away immediately.

"Gevin? Can you hear me?" she made sure and moved towards the house.
"Yes, hurry, someone is going in your direction," he whispered. Cia jumped over the wall like it was nothing.
"Do you understand the fact that you don't have to whisper, right?" Cia heard Kim laughing and smiled herself. Then she got to the door. Just like Gevin said, they were opened. Cia slipped in and suddenly she faced probably the most luxurious house she has ever seen. Not even house in which she lived was this luxurious.

"Wow," she whispered, but didn't loose any time. She went stright up. This man wouldn't leave his important informations just anywhere, there will most likely be a safe or secret room. Or both.
Cia had a gloves, so there wasn't a risk of fingerprints. His room was locked.
"Well that was unexpected," she said ironically.

"Is it electronic locker?"
"Then I won't be able to help you." Cia took a hairpin and a small wire and unlock the door, with quite click. Looking around his room, first thing she saw was a huge painting, that is a typical hideout for safe.
There was none.
It was an average room compared to the rest of the house. But something was off.

Someone like that would not be satisfied with room like that. Bed, television, working table. Cia bited her lip like she was thinking. She walked alongside the walls, she thought that maybe pulling out some book will open a secret room, but no.

Cia stood there, almost telling Kim that there's nothing, when she realised what was so weird. There was a corner looking like a hexagon, in which was armchair. And in two corners were slightly distincter lines. "Got ya," she whispered an opened that door. It was a good hideout, because it was small. Cia had to bow a lot to get there.

Behind it, there was a huge room, several computers and documents. Also DVDs. Cia was used to work fast. She went to the DVDs and put one to play right away. While it was processing she took those documents and went through it quickly. It was not what she was looking for.

She went through several documents, when the DVD started playing. And Cia almost threw up. Young girl, even younger that Cia was, was tied on the ground. She was naked and crying. And then he came. Mark. Cia watched only part of the video. She saw how Mark raped that girl, and came to conclusion that those other DVDs are the same, so she threw them all to her bag.

It took her a few minutes before she found out those documents, in which was written, that he ows the land, together with file he signed. He signed agreement about those poisonous things being exported to there. Cia was going through that file, when a urgent voice resounded in her year.

"Fuck, Cia they are in front of the house! Get out of there now!" Kim ordered, he was obviously worried. God knew, what they would do if they found her.

"OK, I got what we need anyway. I'm leaving now." She stayed calm. They thought her, that panicking won't make anything better. It will only add to the list how to kill you. So she walked out of secret room, closed the secret door behind her. She was working quickly. Right when she was about to go away, she heard steps on stairs.


Cia got only time to lock the door with her inside. So the only possible way out was window. Steps were getting closer, so she opened the window quickly and closed it behind her. Hell it was high! Cia heard key in a locker.

"Here goes nothing," she whispered and jumped right at the moment the door opend.

Cia ran stright to the wall. Her ankle hurt like crazy, but she still jumped over the wall and saw a black van going in her direction. And then heard a shot. They obviously saw her.

Even though her ankle was killing her, she still ran. The van didn't even stop. She just jumped in, while it was still riding. Another two shots, but they missed. She was safe. It took her half hour. She got exactly 30 minutes to get to a club to El and others, that was close, not to mention her ankle.

Cia gave Kim her bag. Everything should be inside. "What are those DVDs for?" he asked, while they were driving to a night club.
"Look yourself," she said, massaging her hurt ankle. Kim played one of those and turned it off right away. He looked like he's going to puke too.

"Cia you made it," he said in disbelief when he took a look on those files. "This is the proof we needed!" He looked relieved and happy. But Cia was far from those feelings. In one night, she almost got raped and also jumped from a second floor! And that night was far from being over yet.

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