NO. 51

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Cia looked up to the sky, where no stars shined. It was just a pitch black sky, the same shade of black as the ground she was standing on. How she wished to see stars. Or at least different colour than black...

She was alone in there. For too long. How? She had no idea. She knew it was long, because of how tired she was. She haven't slept the whole time she was there. No matter how much she wished to do so, something kept telling her, if she felt asleep, she'd not wake up ever again. So she made sure not to fall asleep.

Cia looked down on her hand. Like if someone was holding it, but there was no one around her. Nothing just darkness. Cia decided to keep walking, that was the best option.

Good she was tired! Cia sat down on the cold floor. She wanted to rest so badly but couldn't. She looked around again. Where was she in the first place? How did she get there? Why didn't she remember anything? The only thing left was her name and a simple thought, she had to go back.

She sighted, it was like something built a huge wall inside of her mind. A wall she couldn't get through, over or around. It was frustrating. She got up again. No sleeping!

Suddenly she felt a huge vibration and it scared her. She forced her already exhausted body to move and run.

Cia ran, not knowing the direction, she just knew she needed to get away. And out of nowhere earthquake stopped. Cia felt on the ground, trying to catch her breath. She was so tired. So weak. When she looked in front of herself, she saw bare feet. She glanced up, realising she knew that woman.

"Mum," those words left her mouth like a prayer.

"Aella," her mother smiled and helped her up.

"I missed you so much!" She hugged her tightly. Actually she didn't remember missing her. It was the feeling she had that told her. "Am I dead mum?"

"No silly!" The beautiful woman laughed. "You are alive darling. And everyone is waiting for you."

"Everyone? Who?" Cia was so confused.

"Your brothers darling!" Cia was so confused. She had brothers?

And suddenly it all started coming back.
Her mother's death.
Her childhood.
Her getting rape and shot.
Meeting her new family and Kim.
Loving them.
Blowing up the old factory.

"You remember now," her mother smiled. "You should go back then."

"But what about you? I don't want to leave you again mum!" Tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"Darling. You're not leaving me and I'm not leaving you. Weather you like it or not, I'm always by your side. But," she said and wiped her daughter's tears away, "I already had my life. Your is in front of you! Go and live. Try everything and be happy! When your time truly comes, I'll be here. Waiting for you." She kissed Cia's forehead. "I love you my daughter," she whispered before disappearing.

Cia wiped her tears away. Her mum was right. She had to get back. She had to. Cia closed her eyes and imagined all faces she wanted to come back to. All of them.

Her dad, who was always smiling at her with love in his eyes.

Raven, who got always all worked up because of her.

Jin, who made sure she will live and saved her life.

Mace, who sang to her when she had nightmares.

Leyton, who made her look at every single one of his paintings and tell him her opinion.

Niles, who trained with her and offered to beat someone for her.

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