NO. 47

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Cia stood in publicly available phone station. It rang twice before Kim picked up. "Hello?" he said and somehow, his voice made her smile. She didn't even realise the one tear escaping her eye.


"Hmm," she hummed to the phone, scared, that her voice would fail her. She quickly wiped away the tear, even though she was alone on the street, she was embarrassed.

"Are you alright? Where are you Cia? And from which phone are you calling?" Cia cleared her throat before answering.

"I am alright Kim, I'm calling from public phone."

"Wherever you are, just stay there. I'll be there in a bit. Alright? Just tell me your location." She could hear him running around the room in hurry. He was probably sleeping or working.

"Kim, that's not why I'm calling." All noises on his side stopped as he stiffed. "You see, they have my family."

"I know, we'll get them back Cia. Don't worry. Just tell me where you are."

"I'm on my way to them now. I'll get them back. But that's not why I'm calling either."


"Let's go on a date," she plumped, feeling weirdly nervous. "When I get my family back. When I come back. Let's go on a date."

Quite. Cia made sure not to say if I come back. That was the truth, but she didn't want to make him worried.

"I'm six years older than you," Kim said after a while.

"I know. Does it matter?"

"It should."

"But it doesn't."


"Than, will you go with me?"

"You see, guy usually asks that. I wanted to ask that."

"If I waited for you to ask, I would be waiting for a long time..."

"True," he laughed. Cia smiled. Such a warm laugh. Will she have opportunity to hear it again after tonight?

"I need to go." Cia wasn't afraid. She wasn't sure she'll make it out, but she was raised with that risk. But if she dies saving her family, after saying goodbye to Kim, she will have no regrets.

"Cia just-"

"See you later Kim," she said and hanged up. It was getting late.

Cia was driving in her car, which was a van. Her family had to drive it back home, so it needed to be a large car. She had a lot of guns with herself. She talked to Eric Donovan and gave him Kim's adress, he'll be there in an hour or so. When her family is safe, he'll tell the world about everything and will help Kim take down the Foreign Minister and everyone else. Hopefully, Cia will watch the three of them rot in jail, but good thing was, that they didn't need her for that.

Cia felt the gun on her tight. It was making her calmer, but she was certain, that for her family to leave,  she'll need to give all her weapons up. Well, except for the little bomb in her mouth. It was small like her little finger's nail. She had no idea how is something so small so explosive, but whatever.

She also remembered what Eric Donovan told her. Try not to kill anyone. She promised him not to, but little did he know, that once her family is out, she's ready to blow everything and everyone up, just to keep them safe.

Cia arrived to a parking lot. It was an old lonely factory, twenty minutes far from closest house, forty minutes from local hospital. Thirty-two minutes from closest police and twenty nine minutes from the fire department. She knew all of that and literally hated those numbers.
It was obvious, that based on the none frequent way and the fact that those times are due to highest allowed speed which is 50 km/h, they would get there in half of that time, but twenty minutes for ambulance to come is still a lot.

As she arrived, she noticed three snipers on the roof. There might be more. There was also that one unobtrusive guy next to the door. Obviously the one who was supposed to take all her guns away. But that was alright, she expected that.

Cia walked towards him across the dark yard. She immediately lifted her hands and allowed him to go through her pockets. He touched her, a lot, but Cia just let him. She needed to get inside.

When that guy thought, that there's nothing on her anymore, which was actually true, well if you forget the bomb in her mouth, he let her in. Cia was walking in a dark hallways. No light, dust. But it was obvious, someone was staying here these few days.

She pretended as she coughed and quickly put that bomb into her secret pocket in sleeve. Just a few seconds later, she felt pain in her neck. Someone injected her with drug. Cia lost her consciousness.

They were trapped in that freaking building for so long already. Nine of them. They knew Cia killed that prosecutor to protect them. That guy, Eltrone, he was so happy about it. He realised, that he has a weakness of girl, who is probably the best human weapon ever.

They were beaten quite badly, some of them, for example Niles - the fighter of the family, more. Raven was protecting Mandy with all his strength. He even tried to force her to eat his food. She needed more since she was pregnant. But she refused. In the end, everyone gave her only a small amount of their food, so she had more.

When that guy - Eltrone - came to them, saying, that their lovely sister is going to join them soon, they were horrified. But not as much as the moment someone brought her dead like body.

They put her to the middle of the room, not even bothering to tie her up. She was laying there for a while. They didn't know how long, but it might be around an hour. And during that moment, there was video playing again.

They saw more than enough those days. It was a little Cia training. Little Cia getting bitten by huge dogs. Little Cia going through tests, which would kill most of the people. They saw her getting raped and killing that man, just like getting shot as a punishment. The worst thing was, that it was all recorded. Every. Single. Thing.

They failed her as her family. Yet, she was risking her life for theirs.

Cia finally got to herself. Gosh, she got drugged! She kept her eyes closed and didn't move just yet. She wasn't sure how much her body got rid of that shit they injected her, so she didn't want them to know she's up yet.

She heard a familiar voice and realised that there's a video playing. Oh no. No no no no! At that moment she dropped her acting like drugged act and sat up. Her vision got blurry, but she realised that. A huge screen, playing her in the last test.

She turned around and saw her family. All of them, well saying in one piece is the right term, because they definitely weren't alright.

"Cia!" Niles called her and she looked at his blue and purple face. He was beaten up the worst. Her eyes started tearing. She quickly stood up, trying to walk to them, when the familiar voice spoken up.

"Well, well, well. What a lovely family reunion. Do you want me to bring you some biscuits and tea?"


Well? Told you it's not going to take that long!

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