NO. 42

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It was three months since those shocking news already. They were constantly working on it. Cia was on missions, dealing with drugs, while she was also looking for the proof on Foreign Minister. But it wasn't going in a good direction. It seemed, that he didn't leave anything after himself. But they were sure, that the proof will be with Minister.

Cia was also trying to avoid Eduard. Successfully. "Alright Cia. Are you ready? His house will be heavily guarded. There are no people, but I'm sure alarms and stuff like that. Not talking about camera system."

Cia knew how risky it is to go there. But they had no choice. She got in through window. And indeed. She walked in his office. It looked so fancy. And there was a huge picture on the wall. She took it down, just to see a safe. Though she expected that, it was unpleasant. But Cia got to work. It took about ten minutes to open it. But whatever.

She opened in. And that's when the alarm went on. Cia quickly looked through it. It was nothing helpful and she was already in a time pressure. She needed to leave.
Just as she walked out of the door, she realised something and turned back.

"What the hell are you doing?! Police and his bodyguards are on the way!" yelled Kim.

"I just realised something." Cia got to the safe and reached her hand up behind it. And yes! There it was. A secret hideout with bunch of documents. Cia had no time to take a picture of them. She quickly tucked it into her back, ready to leave, when about ten men stormed into the office.

"Fuck." Luckily she was wearing the mask. Otherwise she'd be in trouble.

"Cia! Police is on the way! Get out!" That was Gevin.

"Yeah, I seem to have a slight problem here," she hissed and smiled on those scary men. "It's nice to meet you gentlemen, but I'm afraid I'm in hurry, so if you'll excuse me."

One of them attacked her. She avoided his fist and put the backpack on. "It's not nice to punch a girl," she smiled. "Especially when the girl is able to crash you all." And she attacked.

They had no chance against her. One tried to hit her, but she moved and kicked him before doing a flip. Than she took out one of her injections with sedative and injected it to one of them, while punching another one to nose.

Someone grabbed her waist and another man punched her belly. For a brief moment she couldn't breathe. But Cia got out of it quickly. She kicked one and jumped up. She and the man holding her, both felt on ground and Cia could hear his ribs cracking.

It took about five minutes and all of them were laying on the ground, asleep, unconscious or just injured, so no one was going after her anymore. But she needed to get out before the police breaks in.

Just as she thought about it the sirens were heard. They weren't far. And Cia could not let them catch her, not yet.

"Alright, I'm not getting out, they have already surrounded the house. I'll go through rooftops," she whispered as she ran up the stairs.

"Cia that's insane! The closest rooftop is about six meters far! How do you want to do that huh?" Tom said.

"Do you have a better idea? I thought so," she said after a moment of silence. "Besides I was trained to get out of situations like this one. Trust me. I'll let you know where to meet me." With that she got on the rooftop. Luckily, the second roof was lower than the one she was standing on. It will make it easier. Cia bited her lip as she took a deep breath.

She ran up. And jumped.

It was definitely further than six meters. Cia's upper part of body jarred against the second roof an she was hanging in the air. Thanks God, she had training she had. Cia kicked two times in the air and got herself up.

As she was on this rooftop she quickly got to another and another one. And that went for a while, until she finally climbed down. No one was following her.

"Kim?" Silence. "Gevin?" Silence again. Great, now she even lost contact with them. Cia took out her phone. And then she felt it.

Awful pain in her shoulder. She didn't even hear someone shooting! Cia started her run. She knew that person is probably following her and also she knew, he's after her backpack. She needed to hide those documents inside, but how, when she had no idea where her victimizer is.

Wait! She got shot from behind! The bullet didn't went through. But it was still bad, Cia was loosing too much blood and was hell tired already. Jeez Cia! Concentrate! So the sniper is behind her. If she took her backpack down, it would expose her back. Almost certain death.

"Kim!" Cia tried again, but it was not working. And then she saw it. A huge truck in front of her. And the idea cracked in her mind.

Cia ran for a bit more and than, when the truck was only about five meters from her, she laid down. And rolled under the car, grabbing some metal piece there and quickly making her feet stuck under something she couldn't see.

Cia was holding with her injured arm, tears of pain in her eyes. But she worked quickly. She took those documents out from her backpack and stuffed it to the front of her pants, covering it with black sweatshirt. Her back was soaked in blood.

Cia felt, like she can't keep holding anymore. And so she let go. Her feet crushed land in a high speed. This is about to hurt a lot. Cia though and let go he hands.

She quickly rolled of the road and got up. Her head was already spinning. "Gev?" Wow! Even her voice got weaker. Cia turned 360 an than ran towards a small alley. Where the heck was she?

Cia needed to put away those documents, she will probably pass out soon. She can't have those with her, when that happens. Cia quickly found a three with hole in it. And she stuffed those papers there, together with her fully charged phone. They'll probably try to track her and that will lead them here.

Cia knew there were no cameras, she checked. But she needed to leave this "safe" place. What if they got the fact she left those things there? Cia ran out again, holding her bleeding shoulder. Thanks God, the bullet was still inside, she wasn't bleeding that drastically.

Kim was sitting in a car and he was super anxious. They were trying to find Cia for half hour already. But the connection failed.

And finally! She unblocked the GPS. She was in alley. They got there in few minutes only. Kim got out of the car, not thinking about possible danger. He followed the signal her phone gave and it led him to a tree. His heart was pounding furiously, when he took those documents together with her phone from that tree. And it got even worse, when he realised, that the red liquid on cover of those documents was blood.

Where are you Cia?

Cia kept walking for a moment. She was already unable to run. But it looked like no one was following her anymore. Which left two options. First, she lost them. Second, they found those documents and didn't need to follow her anymore. Normally, she'd be worried, but now? She was probably dying. Worries were long gone.

Cia was tired. She had no phone. Had no idea where she was. "Kim?" she tried one last time, but her voice came out as a whisper. No connection at all. Cia got to a bus station, she did barely realise it was raining heavily. She sat on the ground. No cars were passing around. Cia's eyes started closing. Well, at least she made sure those people will be destroyed.

Suddenly, some car passed around her, but she saw nothing but a red stain with lights. Her eyes were getting heavier every second.

The car came back.

Cia wasn't able to even sit still, she felt on the ground and saw pair of shoes rushing towards her. The person kneeled in front of her, telling her something. But Cia couldn't understand. All she saw was a pair of blue eyes. "Kim... take care of my family for me..." she whispered.

And then the darkness took over her.



How was it? Who do you think was the one saving her?

I'm super excited about next chapter!

I hope you enjoyed it!


Oaths of GreciaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora