NO. 21

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Another week went by. Cia was with Perxons for exactly a month now. There were a few missions wit Eleonor and others, it wasn't that big. Cia reported everything to Mr. Browns and he made decisions if he will or will not stop it. Both of them knew, that if there were too many destroyed operations, they would suspect her. So in past week and half, there were no unsuccessful missions. Luckily.

Also relationships with her new family were getting better. They were fighting a lot, that was true, but it was that kind of fight for fun. Especially with younger twins and Niles.

Cia found out that she has a lot in common with everyone. She loved eating, Raven loved cooking. Cia loved music, Mace was musician. With Jin she had in common math and some medical skills too, she was thought to treat herself, but guys didn't know that one. Leyton loved drawing and since he saw her sketchbook, he called her several times to tell him her opinion. Niles decided to start running with her every morning and he was good. Probably not as good as her, but he was able to run with her for that hour and half. And twins? Well all three of them were stubborn.

It was Thursday when Cia sneaked out of the house once again. This time it was supposed to be easy. She just had to give those horrible things to some kids and let them deal with it. But even though it seemed easy, Cia knew it will be harder than anything.

"Cia!" Kayla waved at her. "Here," she handed her a package full of drugs, "it's going to be easy today! The hard work will be done by someone else!" With that, she dragged her to the car.

They arrived and Cia's stomach turned. When they said kids, she didn't really expect kids! These were about twelve! What the fuck was happening with society? How the hell was she supposed to give it to them and walk away? She can't. She won't! Never.

Cia got out of the car. Luckily they were right next to to river and there was no rail. Cia walked only a few centimetres from the edge. She needed to find a way to fall to the river.
Someone just screamed and Kayla jumped to the side, bumping to Cia slightly. And she took that opportunity. She screamed and fell. As she was trying to hold up there, she grabbed Kayla's hand, but slipped to the bag. And Kayla, still in shock, let go.

Cia was floating in the freezing river, both bags were already gone. Hell that was lucky. She didn't even fall by herself. Cia started to look around to find those bags, but they were nowhere to be seen. "What the fuck is happening here?!" Xavier shouted watching Cia in water.

"I- I- I got startled when I heard that scream and pushed Cia to water accidentally," she looked so guilty. But it was an accident. No one will blame her.
"Cia are you OK?" Becca asked looking down at her. Cia nodded, not sure if Rebecca saw it.

"And your bag?" Dom asked.
"It slipped from my shoulder when I fell. I tried to find it, but I can't see it from here," she said sadness in her voice, "Can you see something from up there?"
"No. What about Kayla's bag?" El asked.
"It felt down too..."
El sighted. "Well it was an accident I guess. Xavier give your bag to Joseph. You and Kayla will find a way to get Cia out OK?" Xavier showed his thumbs up and smiled.

Eleonor pulled out a street from Cia's house. "Cia, I think we should talk tomorrow. I'll text you the address later." Cia just nodded, wondering what it's going to be about. Then she thanked her and headed home.

It was past two in the morning when Cia got home. She went to shower and to the bed. Hopefully she won't catch a cold from that. She pulled a blanket over her head and fell asleep.

Cia walked to a junkjard. There was no one, but she was supposed to meet El there.
Eleonor was waiting there for her. Cia walked to her, smiled. "Hi El. Sup?"
"We need to talk Grecia," she stated and Cia already knew it was serious.

"Yesterday when you fell to the river, it was not an accident right?" Cia stared at her. That was bad.

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