NO. 35

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Kim sat on bench in a park, waiting for Grecia to come. He remembered, at first  he was annoyed to work with her. But now, most of the time he was looking forward to it. Cia was quick-witted, smart and she always knew what she was supposed to do.

She sat next to him. He didn't even see her coming. "So what is it?" he asked, because he had no idea, what she wanted to talk about.

"He's leaving in three days. He's going abroad." Kim knew where was that conversation going. "We will not get a better chance." Kim nodded.

"What is your plan?" Cia smiled before telling him.

Cia's stomach was getting better day by day. It will not get long and she will take her stitches out. She was coming from her meeting with Kim, thinking about plan they made. Kim promised to tell everything to Gevin, since they will need him.

Three days went by quickly. Mandy and Cia were sitting in garden, talking. "I have something tonight," announced Cia. Mandy gave her a worried look.

"You promised to avoid everything until you get better," she complained, feeling slightly betrayed. Mandy wouldn't tell anyone, but she actually missed that kind of life. The life, in which she was constantly in danger. The exciting life. But she was also happy with the life, she currently had.

"I know I promised. But I'm almost fine. Plus, we have chance now. If I wait, God knows, when there will be another one."

"Alright. I'll try to cover for you. But you'll go at night, so there will be small chance they'll catch you." Cia nodded and whispered Mandy her thanks. She was so grateful for that.

Cia jumped from her window again. She already had a lot of practice in it. Kim was waiting for her in a big black van together with Gevin.

"Are you ready?" she asked as she got in and Gevin gave her thumbs up. They didn't really have a choice in that.

Cia got to opposite building, watching the place which was light up. There was one thing, she needed to hit and the whole building would got dark. For about fifteen minutes. Cia made sure, it will work. While she visited that place many times, she put a small devices Kim gave her to many places. It should affect electricity and blow a fuse. Then Cia will have about fifteen minutes without cameras and everything.

As she found out, computer in Bosses office had a backup power, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Cia looked at her watch. Ten seconds. She got ready. She will jump from up here, so it will not hold her off. Three seconds.
Cia shot and whole building went dark.

Cia got into the building. There were a lot of guards, but thanks to a small and harmless fire she set up, no one bothered to pay attention to her.

Cia got up quickly and got into his office in no time. It took her about three minutes to get there and two other minutes to start a backup power for the computer. She put a flashdisk in and made an easy way for Gevin. "The computer is on you now."

While Gevin started going through computer and Cia started to go through the office, Kim was waiting in the building. Ready to distract everyone in there. He wasn't nervous, he had done things like those before. Plus, Cia was the one doing the really dangerous thing.

Cia found a secret hideout with documents. She couldn't take it, but luckily there weren't that many. She quickly took photos of every single page. About thirty. It took some time.

"Cia you have five minutes to get out!" That was Gevin. "They're already working on it. System will come up soon. Meaning cameras too."

Cia had her mask on, but she was still nervous, they could recognise her. She quickly turned off the backup power, took her flashdisk and put a small camera to corner. It was so small and well hidden, that no one would notice it. Even Cia herself had problem to see it.

"Someone is coming Cia!" Gevin was worried and seemed to be quite stressed.

"Kim, it's on you," she hissed and hid herself quickly. She had no ideas what he's going to do, but she needed it to be quick. They didn't have enough time.

"Kim, it's on you," Kim heard and got moving. It was something Gevin gave him. He quickly got to a computer, but there was no backup power. Shit!

"Gevin! You idiot! There's no backup power here! How am I supposed to do that without electricity?" Gevin didn't even say anything and electricity went back on. Shit! shit! shit!

Cia was still in the office when the electricity went back on. Thanks God there was no cameras in here. It was for safety.

But how was Cia supposed to get out now? She looked around and the only way to escape was window. "Kim, get out of there. Make sure no camera will catch you and be ready under the window."

"Cia what-"

"Just do it. Go!" Kim left. Cia took out her gun. She was ready to do something stupid. This was fifth floor. It was a huge fall down. Her stitches will not make it, she knew already.

"I'm in car," Kim announced the moment someone grabbed clique and started opening the door. Cia took out her gun and shot to the glass. Luckily it wasn't bulletproof. The moment a shot was heard, that person stormed in, but Cia was already running towards window. She kept shooting and hit it in full speed. Glass didn't make it and suddenly, Cia was falling. She quickly stabbed her knife into wall and felt her stitches tearing.

She let go, when she was about five meters above the ground and made a somersault to mitigate the impact. A black van stopped right in front of her and Cia hopped in.

Kim was driving, while Gevin hacked into city cameras sistem and turned them down. Because these people had spies on police too and they needed to disappear unnoticed.

Cia sat in the car, her wound was bleeding again, but hopefully they got something. "Was something in his computer?"

"I'm not sure, I made copies, but I have no idea what's in those. I will go through it later."

To make it even worse, Cia's phone rang. "Yes Mandy?" she said. They were about ten minutes from her home.

"Cia when will you come back?" she whispered. "It seems that Mace told Rave you're having nightmares and he will go check on you! I hold him for a moment, but I don't know how long. How fast can you get here?" Kim who was listening the whole conversation lifted four fingers. Cia knew he will be speeding drastically.

"Four minutes and then about two to get to my room. Will you make it?"

"I'm afraid no. How about this, I'll get you your sleeping T-shirt and you can come through kitchen. You'll get change and say you couldn't fall asleep."

"Alright. Be ready, we're almost there."

Cia arrived and ran there, without even saying goodbye. She bandaged her wound quickly, so there would be no blood and got to the kitchen. She saw her T-shirt on chair and quickly changed and hid her clothes. She poured herself a glass of milk and sat on kitchen board. In next second, Raven walked there, followed by Mandy.

"Cia?" he said clearly confused on her appearance in three o'clock in the morning. But he seemed to be relieved, that she was there.

"Oh hey, I couldn't fall asleep after waking up, so I came to drink some milk. Want some too?" she offered and caught Mandy's smile.

"I think you should go to sleep. It's schoolday tomorrow. Did you forget?" Cia made a sad face, but soon smiled again.

"I'll finish this and leave."
"OK," Raven nodded and pulled Mandy closer as he left. Cia let out breath she didn't even know she was holding. She quickly grabbed her clothes, finished milk and ran to her room.

That night, she actually sew her belly up herself. Hopefully, she won't get infection.

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