NO. 4

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Grecia woke up early the next morning. To be concrete at six o'clock. At first she panicked. How is it possible that she overslept? It took her a moment, but soon it hit her, she is not at that lab anymore, she's not OF12 anymore.

Whole house was sleeping. Boys were in the deep faze of sleep after incident from night and their father didn't come home since he left. He'll probably come this evening. Grecia sneaked from stairs. No one could hear her, that's how quietly she was walking.

She knew, that for at least first week, there won't be any mission, so she could adapt. She was dressed in her sport clothes. It was still spring so she took a thin jacket and went out for a run. At least she will get to know neighbourhood a bit.

It was eight o'clock when Raven woke up. It was weekend so everyone was still sleeping. He went to the kitchen and made a coffee for himself, yeah that is better, he'll be able to work the rest of the day. While others could sleep, he had to go to work at his restaurant. Mace came down in next minute. "Why are you up so early?" he asked Mace.
"Agency called yesterday, they have something to talk about."
"Coffee?" Mace toppled on chair in answer and Raven prepared his coffee.

Both of them were thinking about last night. That girl brought troubles already and it was only one day... "This is going to be interesting don't you agree?" asked Mace suddenly.
"What do you mean?"
"That girl, you see, twins are definitely not gonna let her be. But she doesn't look like someone who will let others fuck around her. It will be interesting."

While these two were leaving for work and the rest was still sleeping, Cia was running, it was about three hours already and she wasn't even in the end of her strength. Once she was able to run for seven hours straight. It was punishment so she had no choice. Three hours were nothing to her. But still, it was nine already, she should go back, others are probably worried. She run back, it was not far. She chose a slower tempo so she didn't have that many kilometres, but it was only about one hour back home.

Raven and Mace were already back at ten. Most of the kids were already up. Just three were missing. Raven made breakfast and sent Leyton to wake up Octavius, Keane and Cia. When they came down, Cia was missing. "Where is she?" he asked.

"She isn't in her room."
"What? Where could she go?" Everyone just shrugged their shoulders, obviously he was only one worried.
"Maybe she already ran away?" tried Niles all excited.
"Did you forget that it were you guys who lost last night?" provoked Jin.
"I'll call her." Raven went for his phone when the door opened.

Cia came in dressed in sport clothes and smiled at him. "Morning,"
"Where were you?" he asked, feeling annoyed when he saw he was worried for nothing.
"I woke up early, so I went for a run." She answered taking her headphones out.
"What if you got lost?"
"Then I'd come back the same way I left." Raven sighted.
"We made breakfast, come eat." They both went to a table.

Octavius was smirking, so she knew right away, that something is not okay. She observed everything, but it seemed normal. So she was about to sit down, when she saw a spider on her chair. Cia smirked, Keane obviously didn't tell others about her relationship with spiders.

When she noticed that spider, she stood up immediately a bit of shock on her face. Octavius had evil smil on. "Oh fuck! Hades?!" she talked to that spider and took it to her palm carefully. "You missed me already? But Hades who put you on that chair hm? I could have kill you!" Everyone except Keane has been staring at her in shock. She shaked her head and headed to door. "Go little Hades, but come to visit me time to time!"

She sat between Raven and Jin and smiled at everyone, especially at Octavius. "Wow, if you could see your faces right now! If you can wait I'll go for camera to take a photo of your expressions," she laughed.
"Hades?" asked Leyton.
"Hm, we met yesterday when they brought him to my room. I really wanted to keep it, but Hades will be much more happy outside." They all ate quietly.

"So Grecia, what are you going to do in afternoon?" Jin wanted to know.
"I'm not sure," Cia answered with full mouth, oh she would be at least slapped for that in past. "Maybe I'll watch a movie? Some recommendations?"
"TV is mine," said Niles, "I'm watching a basketball match today."
"Basketball? Who is playing?"
"Dragons ands Seawolfs. As if you knew them," he muttered.
"Can I join? I always only got to read about them, I'd like to see them play for real."
"It's television, definitely not for real. And no, I want to watch it alone, I need to concentrate on it." Cia smiled sadly, but left the topic. She will find something to do.

The day went as it was. No one talked to her. Boys were annoyed just by looking at her and she was feeling lonely. Raven already felt bad for her, but his ego was still to big. So he didn't talk to her as well. Everyone was feeling cheated and hurt, cause father made that decision without them. As if it was none of their business.

In the end Cia headed to garden. And what she found there!! It looks like every guy could have a hobby and it was back here. Playground for basket, there was even target for archery and a huge glass greenhouse full of roses. And a ground for football too. She shaked her head. How are they so rich?

In the end she went to a basketball playground, since she can't watch it, she will at least try to play. She took the ball. OF12 never tried it, so did Gracia. But she new theory, she saw a few matches and remembered how they were dribling and throwing the ball. So she tried. It took a while before she got that, but then it was already easy.

Raven was in the kitchen, preparing food for whole family as usual. He looked out from window just to see Cia trying to play basketball, she sucked. Niles would laugh at her. He smiled and continued preparing food. But he couldn't help it. Looking up and down all the time, his new sister was progressing quite quick. How? Few minutes ago it looked like she barely knew what is a ball and now? She was jumping, doing two-strokes and looked like someone who is playing for a long time. Her shot was perfect.

In the end he couldn't resist, he went up to her. She stopped right away. "How do you know to play?" he asked.
"I don't, just trying it."
"Someone who is just trying it can't be this good."
"I have talent with sports so I can learn quickly," she replied with smile.
"Well, dinner is almost ready. Take a shower before that, you're all sweaty." He wasn't convinced, but what could he do? He left her there going back to kitchen. This girl is definitely having secrets.

Dinner was peaceful since their father came home. In the end everyone went to sleep. Cia locked the door again, even though those little monsters would be able to get there anyway. It didn't bother her, her reflexes were fast and she'd be able to kick all of their asses. She went to sleep at nine again. Weird routine, but what could she do? She was literally living like that since she was four.


Hi, I'm sorry if this was a bit boring, the other part will be more interesting,  promise.  🖤🖤

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