NO. 34

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It was some time since Mandy came for dinner. About three weeks, but she was coming more often. Sleeping there too.

Raven seemed to be happy, his girlfriend and sister became so close in so short period of time. If only he knew. But everything was nice in their family.

Leyton's birthday was 11. 5. and he got a party and a lot of gifts. Cia gave him some high quality oil paint. And that's how their days went. Everything was not far from perfect.

Cia jumped through a window. She had a deep cut on her stomach. One of those she will need stitches for. Her whole body ached so badly, that she wanted to lay down and sleep. But she couldn't, what would her brothers say, if they found her covered in blood the next day? Cia headed to the bathroom.

She just took her clothes off, when a quite knock on door could be heard. Cia got started. She quickly took her T-shirt back on and walked to the door. "Yes?"

"It's Mandy. Let me in." Cia quickly opened the door and let her friend in. "Are you injured?"

"It's not that bad." Mandy knew, when Cia was gone. She covered for her. Oh God! It was such a relief to have her there! It made so many things easier. But Cia felt bad for her. If Raven ever found out, he would be probably extremely mad.

"Show me," Mandy ordered and Cia listened. She rolled up her T-shirt and heared Mandy hissing, as she was the one hurting. Cia smiled. "This will need stitches," she said while looking at the bleeding wound.

"I know," Cia pointed to her first aid. "I was just about to get into it when you knocked." Mandys eyes widened. She almost couldn't believe, that Cia was about to sew up her belly herself.

"Do you want me to do it?" she asked and Cia nodded. It will make it easier for her.

So they began. Cia had nothing to anaesthetise her wound, so she had to bear the pain. But she was used to it. Most of the times, they didn't give them painkillers or anaesthetics. Unless it was really bad.

Mandy finished eleventh stitch and poured disinfection on it. Cia was all sweaty and tired. When Mandy helped her to shower and then to bed, she asked: "Will you tell me, what happened?"

"I was signed to catch some traitors. Let's just say, they didn't really wanted to go with me," she said as she laid to bed, covering herself in blankets. Mandy nodded and left her there to sleep, while she went to the bathroom and quickly cleaned the mess in there. They really didn't need boys to figure something out.

Cia has woken up, feeling pain. Luckily, she didn't seem to have fever. She walked down, it was early, so everyone was sleeping. Cia found painkillers and took two. Thanks God it was Saturday. Going to school with those bullies, that just couldn't leave her alone, even though they always lost, with a sew up stomach, didn't seem to be a great idea.

Cia walked up and laid again. Painkillers were slowly starting to work and her eyes closed again. She felt into a nightmare. Again.

Mace woked up, he went down, because he could not sleep. While going around Cia's room, he heard some whispering. Mace came closer and listened for a while, but didn't understand it at all. He opened the door, just to see Cia rolling and moving on her bed. She was having nightmare.

Mace walked towards her and tried to wake her up, but it didn't work. So he sat next to her and sang. He sang this song to her once already. When she was ill. The song his mother composed. Cia calmed down in a second, she grabbed his hand and murmured one word, which made Mace tear. Mum.

Mace was sitting there with her, still singing quietly, holding her hand. She looked so small. So vulnerable.

Cia woked up. She let her eyes closed. Someone was patting her hair and singing a beautiful song. A familiar song. She realised, she was holding someone's hand and opened eyes. Mace was right in front of her and smiled when he saw she's awake.

Cia sat. "What was that song?" she asked, curiosity almost killing her.

"My mother's song," Mace replied. "You were having a nightmare and that song seemed to calm you down."

"Sorry," Cia whispered. She felt embarrassed, that he saw her in that state. She dreamed about her mother being killed. Again.

"What was the dream about?" Mace asked, not wanting to push her. Cia sighted and looked away. "It's alright, you don't have to talk about it, if you don't wa-"

"It was about my mum," Cia plumped without thinking about it very much. Mace stayed quite, he was giving her space. A lot of it. It took a while, before Cia continued. "It was a memory. The day she died." Mace stared at her. He didn't expect that. Neither did Cia, how was that possible? She never opened up to anyone.

"What happened?" Mace asked carefully. He knew this was going to be hard to say for Cia.

"She-" her voice died, as a single tear escaped from her eye. "She got shot while protecting me." And that was it. It was the first time, Cia said that loud. It was the first time, she said that to anyone actually.

Mace was watching her, he didn't know what to do. Cia witnessed her mother's death. And it was such a brutal way. But Cia kept talking, she needed to tell someone. She needed someone to know, her mother died because of her.

"She got involved with dangerous people. We owed a lot of money, so we didn't even live in a flat." She was staring from window. Cia couldn't bear her brother's hateful eyes, when he will find out, about what she did.

"We lived in a hideout in warehouse for coal. It was small, but we were happy, we had each other. Once, my mum went out, telling me, not to follow her, no matter what. But I did." Cia was breathing heavily. "Those men were scary, I remember how scared I was. When they saw me, they decided to take me as payment and leave my mother. But she said no." Cia didn't have strength to continue anymore. Her eyes were teary and she was trembling.

Suddenly she felt two hands, pulling her to a warm hug. Mace hugged her with so much love. How did he not hate her? "She- she said no. And th-they killed her." Cia sniffed, allowing her tears to fall down.

"I-I k-killed her." Mace hugged her firmly and patted her head, while she was crying.

"It was not your fault, kiddo. Every parent protects his kids. That's what life is like." Those words didn't help her feel better. But Mace's warm hug calmed her down in several minutes.

Cia wiped away her tears, moment of weakness was gone. "Can you keep it for yourself?" she asked and Mace nodded after a small while. He will not tell anyone. Cia should be the one to tell them.

Plus, she already opened to him. Opening to others won't be that hard right?


Well, well, well!

Does anyone want to try guess, what will be the big news?

It will be revealed soon! Probably not the next chapter though.

Let me know how you like it so far! (We know what I mean 😏 right?
Vote and comment!)

Anyway thanks for reading it means so much!


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