NO. 52

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Eight people rushed to the hospital. It was Christmas Eve and the hospital was still full.

They got weird looks as they were rushing through the hallways. But who cared? Their sister finally woked up! That was the Christmas present everyone wanted secretly.

Octavius was the first one to get to her room. She was sitting on the bed. Sitting! And smiled at him as he rushed to her and hugged her so tightly that she probably couldn't breathe. He didn't even realise tears coming down from his eyes. "Are you crying?" Her voice was so weak. But it was her voice. Voice he wanted to hear for six long months.

Suddenly someone tear him out from Cia's hug. It was Mandy. She hugged Cia and didn't bother to hide tears. "God! When they let you out of here I'm officially killing you!"

"I missed you too Mandy." Cia whispered, she was already fighting tears.

As Mandy pulled away, Cia looked up at her dad. "Dad," she smiled and finally broke into tears. She hugged him before he could move. And at that moment James Perxon was feeling unbearable joy. He held his child, his daughter in his arms. And she was alright.

Niles and Leyton were another two who hugged her. And then Keane and Jin. Raven. And Mace was the last one.

And like that. Perxon's family was complete again.

In those few days she was barely alone. There was someone around her all the time. She has met Aella and Alexander, her niece and nephew. They were so cute. And Cia loved them already.

When after about a week doctor decided that it's time for her to go home, Cia hoped, she will have at least a bit privacy. But No! It was Christmas holidays so no one had to go to school and they were literally spending every free moment with her.

And the worst part? She had birthday about week ago. And her family decided it was about time to introduce her to the rest of the family.

Cia was sitting in her room, panicking inside. Apparently they had about twenty people coming. How did she get such a big family?

Knock on the door made her look up, just to see Kim walking in. Yes, he was invited. It was kind of a relief. "Hey Cia," he greeted her and sat beside her on the bed. Ge was wearing a white shirt and it looked really good on him. Cia smiled. She was trying to hold the nervousness back, but Kim saw right through it.

"Don't worry. It will be just fine." Cia held his hand and nodded. It was kind of calming to have him there.

Door bell rang and Cia sighted. "We should go down." This time Kim nodded and he stood up, pulling Cia with him.

Meeting everyone was exhausting. At the end of the day Cia lied down in her bed, Kim laying next to her and felt asleep.


Another few months went by. Trial considering the Foreign Minister was finally over. He was sentenced to jail for twenty years.

Apparently Drug boss and Eltrone both died during the explosion, but their crimes has been discovered and many people were arrested. Including Cia's friends. But she was able to make it as easy on Kayla and the rest as possible. Afterall some of them were forced to do it.

School headmaster got arrested as well. He was struggling a lot, trying to make excuses, but it was useless. He was sentenced for ten years, since he was kind of blackmailed.

Raven and Mandy decided to get married in spring and there was only a few days left till the wedding.

Mace came back to the mansion, to everyone's relief.

And Cia? Cia was happily dating Kim. She was in love for the first time in her life. She had family. After a long conversation with everyone, she agreed to quit her job, which she did. But she knew herself better than anyone. If there was any potential danger, she would break her promise without hesitation.

Kim decided to quit his job too. President wasn't happy about loosing both of them, but they were young and didn't have much happiness in their lives, so he agreed almost immediately.

It took time before Cia got to her condition again. Niles helped her a lot. And she also decided to keep going to school. Not that she would need to, but since she decided to live a normal life, she should do it properly.


Cia stood next to Mandy, who looked absolutely stunning in her bridal white dress. The wedding day was finally there.

At first, Mandy couldn't decide, if she wants Cia to be her Maid of honour or her witness. She once had no family and considered Cia as her sister since they met. In the end she was a bride's maid.

"It's about time," said her dad as he looked in. He was the one giving Mandy a way.

As Cia walked out, Kim's eyes fixed on her. He loved her and it was clear to everyone with eyes.

Mandy walked in and all attention went to her. Such a beautiful bride. Cia stood next to Raven and looked him up and down. "She's now officially my sister," she hissed, "and just a friendly reminder, I'm back in my condition again." She said and saw Raven smiling. Of course she was joking.

After both of them said Yes, unexpectedly, the true party began. They were dancing and laughing and everything was perfect.

Just perfect.

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