NO. 2

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OF12 has been standing there for some while already. She was looking to one place but stayed focussed. She could not let this go wrong. Never. It was her whole purpose to serve her state. Thats what she was thought since she came here when she was four.

"OF12 take some clothes on and come out," the well-known voice said. She took her underwear, tight black pants and white shirt and walked out. "President wants to talk to you on his own. Off cameras and everything." She nodded in understanding.

"Is there something I should be extra careful about or should completely avoid?" she asked to be sure. Mr. Ohwaren shaked his had. She could say that things are not going as planned, his walk make it obvious. But she kept her mouth shut.

"It is pleasure to meet you Mister President," she said and and politely bowed her head. He surprisingly smiled at her and pointed on the chair. She sat there.

"What is your name?" he asked her.
"I am OF12."
"What does that mean?"
"It is O is like oh, my blood type is zero. F means female. And 12 is for the twelfth child which came here," she explained him with smile. He just nodded, thinking that this poor kid don't even have a real name.

"Do you know your family?"
"I do not and I never had an urge to find out who they are. Having family could be problem while serving my country." He carefully observed her.

"I am shutting down this program." The announcement was so sudden that she jumped up from her chair and yelled: "Why?" She couldn't believe it. All those years of training, suffering. All those lost lives. For nothing? She clenched her fists.

"Calm down kid,"he said kindly. She immediately felt embarrassed, because she just caused a scene in front of president. "Don't you want a normal life? Family, friends, school? Don't you want to do what your peers do?" Did she? OF12 didn't know that. She didn't even know what are her peers doing. So she had no urge to do that too. Plus they were probably not doing anything beneficial. She was meant to serve her country. She was thought to protect poor.

"I do not. I want to protect my nation," she answered determinedly.
"What if I will give you an order to go to school and be normal kid?"
"With all due respect, Mister President, I think that is impossible. Even if you will send me to school, I will not be normal. I have been living with my goals clearly stated since I remember. Even if you send me to school I will be always looking for a way to protect my nation."

President sighted. "How about this. I will send you to family I will personally choose. You will go to school, study - even though from your results you won't have to, and you'll find friends. Since you have a potential you will be given missions. You might work with police or alone, depending on situation. You will keep your identity a secret from your family and friends. Can we make a deal?" he asked her.

She was sitting there. Staring at him trying to discover any lie he could have said. But she did not see any. Strangely she felt like he cared for her, like he was doing it for her. And since she will be able to serve he nation, which she always wanted, then why not?

"Can you promise me, that if there is a national problem or world problem, I will be called for it? That during the time at school I will be getting missions to help my country?" she asked.
"You want to protect your nation that much?" He observed her and then smiled. He saw the answer in her eyes. "Then I can promise you. I will give you missions to help your country. If there is any danger you will know. But you need to keep those things a secret."
"Then we have a deal," she said smiling and offered President her hand. He shaked it smiling back at her.

He was leaving and thinking that he made a good choice. He stopped this horrible program and this girl with such a potential should no be completely forgotten and left out of it. Her ideals were settled a long time ago. Good ideals. So why not use her, when she is more than just willing?

He already knew, where he will send this girl, where she will be needed. He just needed to find someone who will take her in as an adopted daughter, which she really will be for them.


They were sitting in their living room all together, waiting for their father to make a big announcement. Seven brothers watching each other nervously.

Raven, the oldest was looking peaceful, even though he was feeling anxious. He wished to go back to his kitchen. He just loved cooking, which was good since he was a cook.

Mace and Jin were sitting on the opposite sides of room, didn't seem to notice the outside world, that is something called talent. That was probably the only thing except their looks, those twins had in common. Mace was holding a guitar, since he was singer and Jin was reading. He wanted to be a doctor, so he has been studying a lot.

Then there was Leyton, he was probably the only one feeling actually peaceful. He was drawing quietly. He was in his own world and no stress outside could go there with him.

Niles was nervously rubbing his fingers and he looked like he is having problems to stay still.

And than Octavius and Keane. They have been arguing since they came in. They were their youngsters, only eighteen, which was eight years from Raven, who was twenty-six.

It took another while until their father James Perxon came. He looked nervous as well. "So as you know, I have a big announcement," he said and got attention from all boys. "I decided to adopt someone," he said and waited for some reaction.

"Dad, who are you adopting?" Asked Niles, he looked terrified. Since their mother left them, they did not accept anyone to their family. Never.
"Her name is Grecia. She is seventeen and will be your new little sister."

"Sister?! You can't be serious right?!" yelled Keane. "Dad we don't need a sister. We are happy as we are now." said Octavius making a hurtful face. They all started to protest. Even Raven who was supposed to be the wisest.
Mr. Perxon was just watching them in silence wanting until they calm down a little bit.

"Boys this is good for nothing. I have already decided. She will be comming next week so be sure to be polite." With that he stood up and walked away, while in living room started chaos. Boys were complaining and didn't listen to each other. Just Leyton was sitting there in silence trying to absorb what he just heard.

"Guys calm down!" said Raven finally. "Since father already made his decision we won't be able to do much about it. "
"I don't want anyone else in this family and I hate the idea of younger sister even more!" yelled Keane. Everyone understood him, they did not want it too. After their mother left, they were afraid of accepting anybody, they were afraid that that person will leave as well.

After she left, they were searching for her for four years. Four fucking years. But found no one. Then they gave up, still secretly waiting that she will come back to them one day.

"I gues we don't have a choice," said Jin calmly, "we will have a younger sister."

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