NO. 49

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Silas made sure those civilians were safe and then took Sebastian and drove to Cia. He wanted to check if she needed help, but probably not. She was skilled.

The house was only a sliver in front of them, when it exploded. The whole house in flames. Luckily police and ambulance were on their way already. But where was Cia?

Silas drove faster, but there was no way to go inside. "Let's go around, she's clever, she probably got out."

They arrived to the backside and saw a single body on the ground. Sebastian got out of the car, running towards her and Silas was right behind him.

Cia was laying on the ground, covered in blood. Her own blood. She was looking up, her eyes closing. "Cia! Fuck! Cia wake up!" Silas was yelling. "Seb start the car! Now!" He picked her up carefully. They needed to meet the ambulance. Cia was bleeding to much, one bullet went through her lung and she probably couldn't breathe properly. Her back was burn.

She was dying. He knew it.

They met the ambulance half way to others. It stopped, while fire-fighters continued to a burning building. Silas watched her being taken from them and watch Eric Donovan, who just arrived getting to the ambulance too. They should tell her family. Plus, some of them should get treated too.

The ambulance left them there. No one knew, if Cia will live.

Eric Donovan was helping this girl, who helped him. They got everything ready to arrest Foreign Minister and those others, while Grecia came up with plan to rescue her family. He helped her with that too.

He specially told her to try not to kill anyone. And now he was sitting next to her dying body. Doctor was doing his best, but no one knew, if she will live or not. He also got informed, that she will be transported to a huge private hospital and the best surgeon will operate on her. He made sure of it. But will they be on time?

When the helicopter took her, he decided not to go. He should take care about the mess and inform her family about everything. He also should tell Kim, to which hospital she's taken.

Silas arrived to Perxons. They were all expecting to see Cia, but she was nowhere. And Silas was covered in blood. In her blood. "She's going to the hospital," he answered those unspoken questions. "It doesn't look good." And that was it. Everyone was shaken. Some were crying, some were supresing anger. But it broke them all.

"We should go to the hospital," said Lucas in the end. And so they did.

Kim ran through the hospital door. He got call from Eric, that Cia is being taken to hospital. He panicked and got there as quickly as possible. He'll probably get a few speeding tickets.

As he ran inside, he saw Cia on a moving bed, surrounded by doctors and covered in blood. His heart dropped. She was taken to the emergency room immediately.

Kim was standing there for two hours already. He saw nurses running inside with blood. And there were still no news. After another half hour her family arrived, together with another five guys and Eric. All of them ran to him, hoping, he'll give them some good news, but he couldn't.

They were sitting there whole night. Kim was mad at himself, he didn't manage to take care of her properly. He didn't help her. He wasn't there, to catch loopholes in her plan.

But did it really have some? If Cia's plan was to set her family free and get rid of those bastards, she did a great job. But for what cost? Kim felt so small.

There was that pressure on his chest, that he almost couldn't breathe. He felt like crying, but couldn't bring himself to it, because no one from her family was crying. Not even Mandy. So how could he?

Octavius was hardly realising time flowing. He was in daze, feeling-
How was he feeling? He couldn't bring himself to do anything but stare into the wall. Keane was sleeping on his shoulder and Niles, Raven, Mace and dad were being treated by nurse. And the rest of them, including Kim, were just sitting there.

Octavius didn't even realise that the rest of his family came back. He was too shocked and scared.

Jin was shaking. He already saw her injured, but this time she got taken by freaking helicopter. How bad was it? No one knew, the operation was still going. But he felt so guilty, Cia got into that situation because of them. He knew, she'd probably scold him for those thoughts, but he couldn't help it.

"Your child is alright Miss. But you shouldn't stress yourself too much these days. I recommend you to go home and rest." Mandy felt part of the weight on her chest being lifted. But she couldn't go home. Not when Cia was still in danger.

Raven was standing next to her, looking partly relieved too. Of course, that was their child. But Mandy could see in his eyes, how worried he was.

"Alright, thank you doctor," he said and helped her up. "Let's go home Mandy."

"I can't go home. Not when Cia-"

"You being here will not make any change at all. You'll only might hurt the baby and made Cia mad right when she wakes up. Let's just go home. Everyone else is here, they'll let us know." Mandy wanted to say no again, but she was tired. And she knew, that Cia would kill her if she knew Mandy endangered her child. She nodded.

James was walking around nervously. His daughter. The one laying in there was his daughter. No matter how many times the nurse came to ask him to calm down, he just kept walking. His only daughter was being operated. How could he be calm? It was just impossible.

Mace was sitting in a corner. He couldn't loose her. Never. He would exchange his life for hers if it was possible. He was close to her. It surprised him how much and if he was about to loose her, he'd rather die himself.

It was nine hours already. They all were waiting outside for nine hours, except for Raven and Mandy, who went home since Mandy was pregnant. But probably, they haven't sleep at all.

No one slept, except for Keane, but he was waking up from nightmares the whole time and did barely sleep too.

And suddenly the door opened. A man in green cloak walked out. Everyone was on their food, as if they weren't tired or injured at all. The doctor came to them. He looked- Just tired. It was impossible to tell his emotions.

"This was a really hard operation. Her heart stopped several times, I'm sorry. She is-"


Well, well, well.

Hello everyone! And I'm sorry for the ending. I hate when someone does it, but whatever! 😆

Aaand, I want to say thank you soo much for reading this story. Like for real, I was soo happy when I had 100 reads and there was like 1 K only for yesterday!

Thank you, I'm really grateful!

Anyway, this was long and boring, so I'm sorry for that too.

But enough with saying sorry!

Hope you enjoyed!


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