NO. 39

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Cia was standing in a small room. When did it become so small? She remembered it bigger...

After seeing photo of Leyton's mother, she didn't wait, not even a single minute. She just caught last flight, which was coincidentally only two hours later and had last place, so Cia booked it and two hours later was already in the air. And now she was standing here, in a small room behind a coal warehouse.

It was exactly like the last day. No one found that place, so no one had a slightest chance to change it there. The only thing different, was dust. Back then, when she was living there with her mother, it was always clean.

Cia sat on the bed, coughing from the dust. Even the bed was so small. And there used to be a grown up woman with kid sleeping. In such a small bed.

Cia was only four, when she left this place, but she had memories on it, weirdly. She remembered, they were always taking shower at stuffs' showers. They were spending minimum of time there, since her mother was afraid someone will find them and kick them out.

Cia looked around. She didn't come to just take a look at everything. She came to find something. Oh, how much she hoped she was wrong, although deep down she knew she wasn't.

Cia had to jump a bit to get her hands on the spar and pull herself up, so she was able to grab a box and jump down. She sat back on the bed, remembering how they used to read a book. She quickly lifted mattress and took the book out.

Cia opend the box. And saw a bunch of photos. Her mother used to hide those up there, so Cia couldn't get her hands on it. No, back then she wasn't Cia. Her name was Aella.

Cia stared at the photo in her hands. A beautiful couple, with seven boys. The oldest could be eight, the youngest twins were only a month or two old. Cia's eyes started to fill with tears. She recognised them all. Her mother, beautiful as ever. Mr. Perxon, her father, he looked younger. It seemed that he aged a lot during those seventeen years. And her seven brothers. Those seven young boys. Raven, Jin and Mace, Leyton, little Niles and Keane and Octavius.

Tears were rolling from her eyes, getting her T-shirt wet. She went through all those photos. There were about ten of them. She saw Mace and her mum sitting behind piano. There was her mum in hospital, holding newborn twins, tears in her eyes. There was dad, playing with his sons in garden. So many memories and Cia had no idea.

She took the book and listed through it. And then she saw it. She was too young to understand it, though she already could read when she was four.
On the last page was written:

To the best Moomy in the world, from Leyton.

Cia sobbed. Her brother draw book she was reading every night before going to bed. Her mother never stopped missing her family. Not even once. Maybe she'd come back to them after a while. But she couldn't anymore.

She was dead.

The weight of fact, that she died protecting Cia, was trashing her even more now. She didn't kill only her mother. She killed mother of seven boys she loved. She killed her brothers' mother and dad's wife, who he loved dearly. They were still waiting for her to come back. But she couldn't.

She died because of Cia. If her family finds out, they will hate her more than anyone.

Cia was sitting there, crying. What was she supposed to do? She couldn't come back. Not only she would put them to danger, she wouldn't be able to look at them without guilt eating all her organs. She didn't even have money for a back flight.

So she called the only person she truly trusted. Person she knew, she could depend on and she could tell the truth to. She called Kim.

He picked up after third rang. She obviously waked him up. "K-Kim?" Her voice was trembling

"Cia? What is wrong? Where are you?!" he yelled to the phone and Cia could hear, how anxious he was. She felt bad, she woked him up, but she needed someone. Anyone. And she had no one. She quickly told him the address. He said nothing to the fact, she was in different state.

"Okey Cia, I need you to calm down. I'll come as quickly as possible. Can you wait for me?" he asked.

"Yes." Her voice was weirdly dull. Maybe it only seemed that way to her.

"Good. I'll be there as soon as possible," Kim repeated again and hang up on her.

Cia took her book and all those photos and headed out. She sat next to the road. As she was lost in her mind she didn't even notice how cold it was outside.

How did they not recognise her? The truth is, she looked nothing like her brothers or father. And she had not a one thing in common with her mother. She remembered how she was complaining when she was little, that she doesn't look like her mum at all. She told her, she looked exactly like Cia's grandmother. But also told her, she had no photos and didn't see her since she was six. Her grandmother died back then. So it only made sense, that no one recognised her.

Gens are hoggish.

Even dad probably had no idea what mums parents looked like. Then how would they be able to recognise her? She looked nothing like anyone from her family.

She had no idea how long she was sitting there, when she finally heard car pulling next to her. But she wasn't even able to look up. She was completely devastated.

Kim ran to her and she finally looked up. It took a minute, they were staring at each other and then Cia stood up, pressing Leyton's book and her mother's photos to her chest harder. Tears were silently rolling down her cheeks. And when Kim pulled her to a hug, she broke into unstoppable cry.

Her heart was breaking. Her world as well.

She killed her. She killed their mother. How was she supposed to keep living?

Cia was trembling and sobbing in Kim's embrace, feeling safe from some reason.

Kim made her feel that way.

Made her feel safe.

But nothing was alright.

No. Everything was fucked up...


So how was it? Did you see that coming?

I honestly feel bad for Cia and her brothers too...

But I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Thanks for reading! 🖤🖤🖤

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