NO. 46

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"What do you mean they are gone?" Cia never felt that afraid in her life. How could that happen? "I thought we had people watching them everywhere!"

"Cia, our men were killed. Expect for one, who is fighting for his life in hospital." Yes, it was sad. But Cia just couldn't believe it. She couldn't feel anything but anxiety. Kim saw it and pulled her to a hug. It was weird how Cia always relaxed when he did that. Why? She already knew why, but stayed quite. This wasn't the right time to face her feelings. That would be stupid...

They stopped in front of the house. And Cia literally ran out of the car. Fear made her go even faster. As she walked in, she suddenly couldn't breathe. Everything was destroyed. Shatters on the ground. Wait was that- Blood. Cia looked around, to find some clues. She already knew who did that though.

She already knew about the camera, so that person was watching her. He wanted her to find something. And then she realised. It was something they didn't use that much. And she needed UV lamp.

Phone number. That's what was written on the wall. And Cia called it. "OF12, I see you figured it out quite quickly."

"Where are they Eduard?" Cia asked, anger dripping from her voice.

"Well that is interesting. I thought you didn't care for them. How do you sound so nervous then?"

"What do you want from me Eltrone?"

"Now you're asking. And when I tried to ask you nicely you weren't. Are you alone in there?" Cia knew he was watching. She knew about that camera, which was really well hidden.

"No. There are people in here."

"Send them away." Cia put the phone down and told everyone to leave, while she started a recording. "Done."

"Are you sure you are alone?"

"Why are you asking, when you can see it with the camera above me." She heard laughing on the other side of the phone. Well that was creepy.

"Alright, I see you were properly trained even after I left. Now to the task. I need you to kill someone for me. It's a public person and made some trouble for me in past, potentially in future too. I sent you a file with informations on him. I guess I don't need to say not to try anything stupid. The quicker it's done, the less your family suffer."

"And I should also remind you this is a secret. None of your agents friends will know about it, otherwise it will hurt someone a lot." With that he disconnected the call. Cia stood there, knowing there will always be someone watching her, as well as that someone is listening her phone constantly. She was alone in that.

Cia wiped away the tear before she silently left the house. No one knew she was gone until it was too late.

Cia was in a small apartment for a week already. She made a plan to 'kill' her target. Let's just say she wasn't really planing to kill him. But she will need his full cooperation. And that will be hard.

Erick Donovan
43 years old born 23. 3. 1978
He is one of the most famous prosecutors in the world. He always goes according to the law and there is no way he will let criminal get away.
Erick studied at prestige Law school and came out as the best one.

There were tons of informations on him and Cia memorised them all. If it was supposed to work, she need him to cooperate with her. She will need media on it as well. And she might also use his help while catching those people.

It was night when Cia sneaked out of her apartment. She was always followed and they were tracking her phone as well. So she didn't take it and put all those informations to a flashdisk. It was better, that way. Without Kim and everyone calling her.

Cia walked into a house, without anyone noticing her. She went stright to his office, knowing he will be there. As she walked in, dressed in black, with gun in her hand, he immediately stood up, hand on alarm.

"I'm not here to do anything stupid," Cia said as she lifted her hands and let go of the gun. "I want to talk. There's something you should know."

After a moment he asked her to sit. "How did you get here? I have one of the best security."

"I was trained to get over the best securities. But that's not why I am here. I was asked to kill you. And if you don't want to die for real, I will need your full trust and help."

"I'm listening."

Three days later, a small siluet left an office in Prosecutors department. It wasn't even a siluet, it was a shadow. Shadow, who left a huge mess in that office. Together with a body.

Eric Donovan, famous prosecutor and one of the biggest proponents of law, was found dead this morning. He was shot to death and police is still investigating this.
His family is devastated, just like the whole nation, for losing such an amazing person.

Cia turned off the TV.
Good job OF12. You can come for your family now. I'll sent you adress. Come alone.


Kim called her again and this time she picked up. "Cia, please tell me it wasn't you." The disappointment in his voice.

"It was," Cia whispered. "I did it."


"I'm sorry Kim. I need to go." And she hanged up on him. Her whole body was trembling. It was just too much.

Cia knew, the moment she will come there, they will try to kill her. She was too big risk for them. But her family was there. She was definitely taking the risk.

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