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"Quite a ball isn't it?" I said to Gwen as a human waiter handed me a glass of champagne. "Who's this family again?" I asked while looking around at the amazing ballroom.

"The Mikaelsons." She smirked as she took a sip of her champagne.

"There's very few humans. Is this a vampire household?" I whispered to her.

She nodded her head. "Only the workers are humans."

I shook my head. "That's a bit dehumanizing." I muttered.

"Oh well, Now come, there's someone I need you to meet." She said as she motioned her head towards an attractive man across the room a small smirk playing on her lips.

I smiled as I followed her across the room.

"Amelia, this is Klaus Mikaelson." Gwen said as her eyes bounced between the both of us.

I bowed slightly. "Amelia Wright."

Klaus smiled as he grabbed my hand and placed his lips on it. My stomach erupted in butterflies the moment his fingers grazed my skin.

"Pleasure to meet you darling." He said softly, his eyes having a sense of seduction to it.


Present day 2011

"Please Amelia! They killed my sister." Sophie yelled over the phone. Her voice clogged with tears.

"Sophie...you will be slaughtered if I show up and you know it." I spoke trying to remind her why I can't appear in the quarter.

I heard her take a deep breath as she went quiet. I could tell her tears were coming to a stop as she slightly sniffled.

"Sophie?" I questioned when she didn't say anything for a bit.

"I don't care what they will do to me." She spoke quickly and hung up the phone.

I threw my phone across my bed as a big sigh escaped me. My thoughts racing with different things. I wanted to help them I so badly did but New Orleans is the old home of my ex-husband, if I'm found there they won't be too fond of me.

"Being the strongest hybrid witch isn't too good for you right now huh?" Gwen joked as she walked into my bedroom and planted herself on my bed.

"Marcel and I aren't friends. He will kill the witches if I arrive." I grunted.

She cocked her head to the side as a small laugh escaped her lips. "You really think Klaus would allow Marcel to hurt something you care about?"

I snapped my head over at her my eyes narrowing as I realized she was serious. "Klaus doesn't give a shit about me anymore and neither do I. I'm sure Klaus would protect a bag of blood over me."

"You were married for over five hundred years. He wouldn't let that go." She spoke softly her green eyes glinting with care.

"If he's there I'm going to kill you." I mumbled as I stood up and grabbed a bag to start packing.

"I'm sure you will." She laughed as she stepped out of the room to pack her own things.


There are two original hybrids. A werewolf and vampire hybrid and me a witch and vampire hybrid. The difference between us two is the werewolf hybrid can create more, but me...I am the only traditional witch allowed as a vampire as long as I keep up my deal of only feeding off of bad people or blood bags and no turning off my humanity as that is what makes me a witch.

I can't even feed off of animals.

The night after I was turned I had contacted my ancestors asking for a solution and asked what I was turned into. I was only given the choice because I was turned by another witch, the same witch that turned the Mikaelsons also turned me at the same time.

An Eternity, darling.  | Klaus Mikaelson fan fiction| The originalsWhere stories live. Discover now