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Amelia's POV

You didn't think I would stop buying you dresses did you?


I laughed at the note as I threw it onto my bed. He always bought my dresses for every event and they were always beautiful, he knew my body like the back of his hands which meant they always fit me like a glove.

I unzipped the bag that was hanging in my closet, I ran my fingers over the soft black material before carefully grabbing it out of his bag. I laid the dress down on the bed. My small smile appearing as I stared down at elegant black dress.

"We need to talk." Rebekah said seriously as she peeked her head into my bedroom.

"What is it?" I asked quietly as I left the room and followed her downstairs.

"Remember that witch that snitched Hayley out? Well her and Thierry are in love.". Rebekah smirked as she got right to the point.

I stopped dead in my tracks from shock. "Marcels right hand man?" I quirked with an eyebrow raise.

She turned around an evil smile taking over her face. "Yes and now we have a plan."

I smirked as she turned around and lead me downstairs once again. "And that is?"

She didn't say anything as opened the double doors to the living room and brought me to Klaus and Sophie. "Are you out of your mind?" Sophie asked with a dumbfounded face as she looked at Klaus.

"It's very simple we need you to perform a teeny tiny locator spell to help us find our brother." Rebekah explained which looped me in on the plan they have.

"Witches who practice magic in this town get caught and they get killed. Have Amelia do it." Sophie said as she waved a hand at me her eyebrows raised at Rebekah.

"Yeah can't I-"

"No because we have a plan Lia darling." Klaus smiled at me before turning back to Sophie his face going blank. "About that, it seems you left out a crucial detail when we made our deal."

He sat down in a love seat, his body relaxed as he tapped his fingers on either end of the seat. "Marcels secret weapon, the way he knows when a witch is using magic."

"Girl about yea high." Rebekah said at she raised her arm in length to show the height of Davina. "Cute as a button, anger issues."

Sophie's face dropped before her eyes turned hopeful as she listened to Rebekah. "Davina?" Sophie squeaked out. "Wh- where have you seen her?"

Klaus and I looked at each other both our eyebrows crinkled when we realized that Sophie didn't know about Marcels secret weapon.

"I don't know." Rebekah sighed out. "That little brat erased my memory, right after she threw me out a window with her bloody mind."

"Let me cut to the chase." Klaus intervened as he laid both elbows on his knees and leaned forward. "Davina has my brother. You witches, I assume, want to get Davina away from Marcel, we don't know where she is, so we need magic."

The plan clicked in my head. If they want Davina then they have to find her, that's why they won't let me do the spell.

"Davina would sense it." Sophie explained with a shake of her head.

"Unless of course another witch, say your friend Katie was to perform much bigger magic at the time. That would create a smokescreen, concealing your very small spell from Davina." Rebekah said as she joined Klaus and leaned forward. Making Sophie feel small.

Sophie's lips parted as she stared back at Rebekah. "Katie doesn't deserve to die."

Klaus stood up quickly as he pushed the coffee table. "Sophie Deveraux!" He yelled.

He walked over to her as he kneeled down to her level. She slightly tucked her head back as she tried to maintain eye contact with Klaus.

"You're in no position to be so principled. You can't win a war without a few strategic losses, no matter how regrettable they may be." Klaus explained his head cocked to the side.

Sophie gulped as she broke eye contact with Klaus. "How many times have the vampires been one step a head? Known something they shouldn't? Your sister murdered in the public square for practicing magic. You knew she'd be caught, did she even attempt to flee?"

I stole Klaus's seat as I watched him try to convince Sophie to agree. My eyes meeting Rebekah's before glancing back at Sophie at the sound of her voice.

"She was caught hiding in a cargo hold of a freighter before it set sail down the Mississippi." Sophie explained as she corrected him.

"And who, pray tell, of marcels valued inner circle manages his business at the docs?" Klaus asked smartly.

Sophie looked down at her lap as the realization hit her, her eyes sinking as she picked at her nails. "Katie's boyfriend Theirry." She mumbled.

"Exactly." Klaus explained as he stood up, he walked around the chair I stole and placed both hands on it as he kept speaking. "Do we have a deal Sophie Deveraux?"

Sophie's brown eyes swam up to Klaus. A small sigh escaping her lips. "Yes." She said sadly.

Rebekah clapped her hands together as she stood up. "Great! Klaus and Amelia will go to Marcels and I will sit here and explain this plan to you."

I scoffed quietly. "Klaus will be going, I can only handle Marcel so much in one day." I said as I walked out of the living room.

"Aw but I need you." Klaus said as a small smirk crept us lips.

"No you don't!" I said as I made it half way up the stairs and waved him off.


"Marcel has ordered a rousing of the witches." I heard Klaus say in his office as I cleaned up around the house before I started getting ready.

Stress cleaning I would say. I'm hungry and I'm about to be in a room full of vampires and my underwear is still soaking at the thought of this morning.

I quietly walked into Klaus office as I leaned against his door. Listening into the conversation he's having with Rebekah.

His eyes flickered up at me as he kept talking. "And I, in turn, have arranged for things to go tragically wrong." He smirked.

"Marcel may not be concerned with Thierry's entanglements. But there are other crimes which he will be less inclined to so easily forgive." Klaus explained as he looked up at the ceiling.

"You're going to threaten Katie's life?" I mouthed towards him.

He ignored me as he kept explaining. "Killing a vampire for example, that would be unforgivable. If Katie's hopes to save her one true love from Marcels punishment well a rescue mission like that would require something positively magical. What's worth dying for if not love?" He finished as he connected his eyes with mine as he asked the question.

I am no perfect, I am selfish, I push you away, and I am evil but I would let someone drive the white oak stake into my heart if it meant you got to live. That's a pinky promise.

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