Chapter 11

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I look down at the burgers on the grill, carefully flipping each one before I close the lid and head back inside Shawn's house. It's five o'clock now and Shawn should be getting home in the next half hour. I've only been here about an half hour after rushing here following track practice.

The past four weeks have been a whirlwind. I felt like I was rushing from one destination to the next each day until I collapsed into my bed at the end of the night. The anticipation I feel in my stomach for getting to see Shawn soon excites me.

We have both been so busy that I'm lucky to see him once during the week. And it's no ones fault, I know that, so I'm not tying to place any blame here. I'm actually incredibly proud of how well Shawn is doing with his internship, he's taking it very seriously and busting his ass everyday he works there. I can see on his face how much he is enjoying the work when he talks about it. He really amazes me most days with all the things he manages to balance on his plate.

I'm also excited to see Bailey tonight. We invited her over for dinner to catch up with her. I've only seen her twice on campus when we've met up for coffee, but both those times she appeared to be thriving in her new environment. I know Shawn is excited to see her too. He may not always express it, but I know he worries about her being on her own now in a new place. I think this dinner will help to set some of his worries at ease.

A knock at the door interrupts me and I put down the ketchup and mustard I was pulling out of the fridge onto the counter as I head to answer it. I open the door to find Bailey who wraps me into a tight hug right away. I can hear footsteps coming down the stairs as we separate and know it's Will before I turn around. He's the only roommate home right now, Danielle is out with her boyfriend.

"It's so good to se you," Bailey greets me with an excited squeal and smile as we both giggle.

"You too," I agree. Bailey's eyes shift to behind me and I turn to see Will join us. "Bailey this is Will, he's Shawn's new roommate. Will this is Bailey, Shawn's younger sister," I say as I introduce them.

"Nice to meet you," Will says as he steps forwards and shakes Bailey's hand.

"You too," she responds.

"I'm just making dinner so feel free to join me in the kitchen or you guys can go watch some TV if you'd like, don't mind me," I say as I excuse myself and head back into the kitchen.

Both Bailey and Will follow me into the kitchen and we all fall into conversation about classes while I head back outside to check on the burgers, adding cheese on half of them for those who will want it. I head back inside and finish whipping up a garden salad and a potato salad that I had prepped at my apartment last night and brought with me. I make sure all the condiments known to humankind are out on the table for everyone before I take a plate back outside to bring in the burgers.

As I walk back into the kitchen with a plate stacked high with meat, I notice Shawn's now home and he has joined Bailey and Will in the kitchen. His eyes shift to me and he smiles sweetly before moving towards me and taking the plate from my hands. He places a kiss on the top of my head.

"Hello beautiful," he greets me as he carries the plate for me over to the table.

I notice how tired he looks and I can't blame him. He's been non-stop with one thing after the other since this semester started. Some nights when we meet up I swear it's a miracle he manages to stay awake for more then fifteen minutes.

We all plate up and sit down at the kitchen table together. Bailey brought a bottle of white wine that she and I share while the guys stick to beer. Bailey does most of the talking during dinner, to no ones surprise except maybe Will since he just met her.

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