Chapter 24

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It's the last day of 2021. Another year down and I can honestly say it has been the best one yet. That reason solely revolving around Lyla. I just finished my last practice for the year and it was a gruelling one. Coach didn't go easy on us and I have a feeling I'm going to be sore tomorrow morning. I could go for a nap right now, but I already know it's not in the books for me tonight.

As soon as I get home I've got to change and get ready for dinner with Lyla. I'm picking her up at her apartment at quarter after six. She went home yesterday afternoon with the lame excuse that she needed to complete an assignment to be free for tonight. She also reasoned that she needed to pick out an outfit for tonight from her place.

When I pull up to my house I see Will's car parked on the road and sigh in annoyance. I hadn't realized he was coming back this early and now I don't get to house the myself anymore to ravish Lyla wherever and whenever I want. I walk inside and head straight to my room. When I pass Will's door I can hear music playing from inside and don't bother knocking to welcome him back.

I get to my room and dig through my dresser and closet before settling on a pair of dark blue jeans and a black dress shirt. We aren't going anywhere fancy for dinner so I'm thankful I don't have to wear a damn suit.

It's already six o'clock when I check the time on my phone and I curse under my breath as I race back downstairs and slide my shoes and jacket on before I'm out the door. Our reservation is at six thirty and we're going to make it right on time if I get my ass moving. I text Lyla as I start my car and let her know I'm leaving my place.

I get stuck at a red light on my way there and check my phone seeing her reply and teasing me about her surprise that I finally get to see tonight. She's been taunting me about it everyday since I read about it in her letter to me and I admit I'm intrigued.

"Fuck," I curse out when I realize I forgot the bouquet of flowers I got her in the kitchen.

Guess they'll have to wait until tonight when we get back to the house. Or hell maybe tomorrow since I might suggest crashing at her place now since ole cockblock Will is back in town. Not that I give a damn about him being in the next room while we have sex, but Lyla is stubborn and muffles all her glorious moans and noises to prevent them from carrying down the hallway. And I'll be damned if I can't listen to those beautiful purrs that fall from her lips or the way she screams out my name. I park in the first empty spot I find and hop out of my car, racing up to the doors as I'm surprised to see Lyla walking out of them already.

"You didn't have to come down," I tell her as I wrap my arms around her.

"I was ready to go when you texted me so no big deal," she assures me as she leans up to kiss my lips.

I take her hand and walk her around my car, admiring her outfit as I open the door for her and she climbs in. She's wearing a black dress that peeks out from under her jacket she's left open. The material hugs her body all the way down to where it stops a few inches above her knees. I can't tell if its strapless or not while she still has her jacket on, but either way it's doing a hell of a job of showing off her cleavage. My hand goes to her bare thigh, stroking my thumb over her skin as I drive towards the restaurant.

"So where's my surprise?" I ask her as I hang a left turn.

"Patience love," she replies and I steal a glance across at her as she grins mischievously. "You'll get it tonight," she promises. She's teasing me and she loves it because she knows it's driving me crazy to find out what it is.

We get to the restaurant right on time and push our way through the crammed waiting area. I'm glad I made a reservation when I hear one of the hosts tell a customer the wait for a table is over an hour. We are shown our table right away but I'm annoyed when it takes over twenty minutes just to receive our drinks.

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