Chapter 28

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"Sit down, Nolton," coach orders me from his seat behind his desk and I do as I'm told. He called me into his office as soon as I walked into the dressing room a few minutes ago. "I know you're aware there have been plenty of teams interested in you for next year," he continues and looks across at me as I nod. "Well, you have your first official offer that came in earlier this afternoon. Congrats kid."

He slides a small pile of paperwork across the desk towards me and gestures for me to take a look. My hands are visibly shaking as I pick up the paper and start to read it. I can't believe what my eyes are seeing as I look over the offer to play with the Grand Rapid Griffins. They're the farm team for the Detroit Red Wings and I try to keep my heart from pounding out of my chest as I keep reading.

"You're a hell of a player Shawn and I think this is a good offer. If you want to talk things over with me I'm more then happy to sit down with you another time and go through it. The team does want an answer sooner then later though they have advised," he tells me. "Speaking of, one of the reps for them is waiting outside in the hall so if you're alright with it I'll give him the thumbs up to come in and chat with you?"

"Thanks so much coach," I say as I look across at him, still in disbelief this is actually happening. "Yeah he can come on it."

The next ten minutes feel like a whirlwind as I'm introduced to the head scout for the Griffins. He praises me on how I've played so far this season and tells me how much their team wants me for next year. I nod along and try not to stumble my words whenever I do speak.

He lets me know the team would like an answer soon and we come to an agreement that I will let them know by the end of next week what my decision is. I shake his hand before he leaves and coach shoots me a quick grin before he tells me to go get my gear on and focus on our game.

While I start to put my gear on I can't help the ecstatic feeling that is washing over me. I've got an offer to keep playing next year. The thought that I might be done playing this year had crossed my mind a few times this year and I was afraid to face whether I was done with the game or not. Knowing that I can play in a competitive league next year now erases any questions I had about whether I wanted to keep playing or not. I want to play this game as long as my body is willing to allow me.

There's an undeniable pep in my step as I race up the flight of stairs and into the lobby. I see Lyla across the room and eagerly make my way towards her. She tilts her head to the side with an amused smile on her lips, no doubt wondering about the giant grin plastered to my face.

I sweep her up into my arms when I reach her and spin us around as I hear her little giggles against my ear. I set her back down to her feet and dip my head down to capture her lips in a kiss that helps to ease some of my nervous excitement.

"Someone is excited they won," Lyla says with a small laugh as I stare down at her in my arms, not wanting to let her go.

"Hockey players and their testosterone," I hear Megan comment and I glance over to her rolling my eyes so she flips me the middle finger and I laugh as I catch a small smile on her lips.

I notice Will is standing beside her too and he gives me a nod which I return. We haven't been too chummy since the awkward kitchen run on Valentine's Day. Lyla shifts to stand at my side, my arm still around her.

"Actually I've got some exciting news," I tell them as I turn to look down at Lyla who raise a brow and waits for me to continue. "I got an offer from Grand Rapids before the game tonight. A contract to play next year with them with potential to extend depending how I perform," I say, unable to hide the excitement in my voice as I watch Lyla for her reaction.

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