Chapter 21

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We make it to my parents house just after four o'clock on one tank of gas. When we walk into my house, my parents are already racing around, piling some totes by the door filled with Christmas decorations for the parade. Shawn and I barely get to say hello and get a hug from my parents before a box of decorations is shoved into our arms and we're pushed out the door along with my parents. We all pile into their SUV and head to my aunt and uncle's place.

I can only describe the scene when we walk into the house as total chaos. My cousins, aunts, uncles, and some people I don't recognize are shouting out orders as they race around the house from room to room. I don't even get a chance to introduce Shawn to anyone because we are both given a task to do from my aunt who forces a polite smile in our direction before she disappears.

"Welcome to a Robertson Christmas Eve," I say under my breath to Shawn and he chuckles softly as we get to untangling a giant box of Christmas light strands.

"I like the intensity," he whispers as he leans down, his lips lightly touching my ear and making my shoulders tense up.

His breath is hot on my neck as his lips remain in their place, barely grazing along my ear. I hear my own breath hitch as my body starts to heat up in response to him being this close to me, feeling his fingertip running up my arm slowly. His other hand rests on my hip and he squeezes it lightly.

"We better get back to work," he whispers before I feel his body move away from me, the heat I felt from him quickly fading away.

When I turn to look as him he's grinning at me cockily, knowing exactly the way he has me feeling right now. I squint my eyes at him in frustration and he winks in response, somehow the gesture doesn't piss me off but only makes me want him even more. It's truly infuriating how annoying he can be while at the same time I want to jump his bones. I roll my eyes and sigh before I fall into work, detangling the multi-coloured strand of lights I pull from the box.

We finally get a break and I have the chance to introduce Shawn to some of my family while we all plate up a few slices of pizza that just arrived in several boxes. I can tell all my female cousins approve when they meet him, wiggling their eyebrows at me or mouthing a 'he's hot' when Shawn has his back turned.

My two cousins he met last year greet him again and the guys all seem to fall into a conversation about sports while I hang with he girls who all tell the tales of their latest boy adventures. Only one of my other cousins have a serious boyfriend she's been with for over two years now so when we make eye contact she shoots me an amused smirk.

Soon after dinner, we all pile into numerous vehicles and head downtown. I manage to steal a few kisses from Shawn during setup since we are banished to different areas, Shawn ordered to do the heavy lifting while I finish getting candy cane basket ready.

I make sure when the parade starts that Shawn is with me though and we walk hand in hand alongside the float. We are both wearing Santa hats and I force Shawn to take a few selfies with me. How someone can make a Santa hat look sexy is beyond me, but here Shawn is smirking down at me with those damn dimples, looking sensual as ever.

The parade is a success and after helping pack up we head home with my parents. My mom makes hot chocolate for everyone, adding a shot of Bailey's for an extra touch. We all sit in the living and watch White Christmas together. I sing along softly to the songs and can see Shawn watching me out of the corner of my eye.

When I look over at him, he's staring at me with such adoration I can feel myself blushing as I lean further into him on the couch, bury my head against his chest as we finish watching the movie.

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