Chapter 16

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Sleep is my enemy tonight. I climbed into bed over three hours ago, my body and mind completely exhausted from the day and ready for a recharge. Yet here I am still wide wake. I can't seem to find a comfortable spot in my bed and toss and turn every few minutes in hopes I will find the perfect spot any minute now. Not to mention I can't seem to turn off my brain from running wild with worry about Lyla. She's alone and two hours away from me. Well, not alone, Will is with her, which only seems to irritate me even more.

When I finally finished with my work tonight it ended up being almost ten o'clock. I learned within my first week of work that the supposed eight o'clock shut down of the office was definitely a lie. I grabbed my bag on the way out and checked my phone to see the missed calls from Lyla and texts. My heart started to race as I dialled her number, waiting ring after ring but she never answered.

I tried and tried again, but she never picked up and I really started to panic that something was wrong. All the calls started over two hours before I saw them. I called Megan to see if she knew what was going on, but I got her voicemail too. I left work and drove to Lyla's apartment, waiting in the front entry to be buzzed up, but no one ever answered. I didn't see Megan's truck in the parking lot and wondered if they were together.

I finally gave up and drove home, pacing my room so much I felt like I might leave scuff marks along the floor. Finally, my phone rang and Lyla's face popped up on my screen. I couldn't answer the phone fast enough. When I heard her voice relief washed over me as she assured me she was okay.

As she started to explain everything, my tired and stressed mind could barely keep up with her. She was in Harrington, her dad was in the hospital, Will drove her down, she's at home now, Will is staying with her. I did my best to keep calm and not freak out over the fact that Will staying with her scenario, even though on the inside I was beyond annoyed with the whole situation.

I should be there with her, not him. I should be the one she can count on to pick up the phone when she needs me. Hell, I've almost given up on this whole trying to sleep thing a couple of times tonight and just gotten in my car to drive to her, but I'm doing my best to stay calm and remember her words when she told me she was okay and would be home tomorrow. I can't wait to see her, to hold her in my arms. Every time I check the time on my phone another half hour has passed and I still haven't gotten a wink of sleep.

My mind seems to have moved passed some of the worrying and now started to torture me with thoughts that Will might try to make a move on Lyla tonight. It would be easy enough for him to sneak down the hallway, knock softly at the door and offer some lame excuse that he is checking up on her to get through the door. Play the whole concerned and thoughtful friend with a shoulder to cry on. She is clearly in a vulnerable state and I know for a damn fact he's head over heels for her so he might see this as his opportunity. The image of them sitting together on her bed pops into my head and makes me sick to my stomach.

I sit up in bed and check the time again. It's just passed six. I give up hope on trying to get any sleep and drag myself out of bed. I change into some shorts and an old t-shirt I've cut the sleeves off of before I head down to the basement for a workout. I'm actually quite surprised with how much energy I seem to have throughout as I spend some time hitting the punching bag before I move to lifting some free weights.

I spend over an hour in the basement, listening to music as I move on autopilot through my different sets until my arms start to grow weaker as they tire. As I'm heading upstairs to shower, my phone rings in my hand and Lyla smiles up at me from the screen before I answer.

"Hey," I greet her noticing my voice sounds a bit gravelly, no doubt from my lack of sleep.

"Good morning handsome," her sweet voice greets me back and I smile to myself as I reach my bedroom.

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