Chapter 26

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It's mid February and probably a day of the year most guys dread. Valentines Day. I for one am actually pretty excited for the romantic holiday since I get the whole night alone with Lyla. Second semester has been less chaotic on the school side of things since my internship is over it freed up quite a bit of time. Time that was unfortunately engulfed by hockey. Since the new year our training has only intensified. We are practicing every day we don't have game in preparation for playoffs this year.

I have no complaints about the rigorous training schedule though. I've been busting my ass in the gym and on the ice so that I can perform my best in our games. I seem to talk to a different scout at every game now. A few of them have even reached out to me to follow up about playing with them next year. The whole process is pretty overwhelming which makes me extremely grateful for coach.

He has been helping and mentoring me through the whole process, always there to answer any questions or concerns I have, but he never puts pressure on me to make a decision or persuade me to one option over another. His main piece of advice I've been following at this point is that until there is an actual contract on the table, all of these offers are just empty promises. So I chat with every scout at each game and make sure to be polite and hear them out, but at this point I'm still waiting for someone to offer me something on paper.

It's Thursday and just after four o'clock. I'm leaving the campus gym to head home. My body feels drained as I walk across the parking lot. I had an early morning practice with the team today and managed to drag my ass to the gym after my last class today for some weight training.

We have another game tomorrow night and coach already let me know a few scouts will be in the stands. The pressure of them watching me I thought would make me nervous but it oddly has made me play some of the best hockey in my life.

I hop into my car and shoot Lyla a text before I start my trek home. I let her know I'm still on schedule to pick her up at her place for six o'clock. I've made us reservations at a steak house in town for dinner. I already picked up a dozen roses yesterday that are waiting at my house to bring with me for her.

Lyla made me promise not to get her a giant assortment of chocolate and candy so I went with just a small bag of her favourite sour candy. I also found the cheesiest card I could at the store that I know will make her laugh and shake her head at me in the cute way she does.

I park out front of my house, pulling into a spot behind Will's car. I've somehow managed to avoid him the past six weeks which is quite impressive on my part since we live down the hall from one another. Lyla still sees him at track practice and has hung out with him a few times when I've been at practice.

I trust her with him so even though it still annoys me when she lets me know their hanging out, I push aside any jealousy I feel and tell her to have fun. I sure as hell don't trust Will, I can see the looks he gives her when she's not paying attention and I also have confirmation from her friends back home now that I'm not the only one who notices these things.

I walk inside and head into the kitchen to grab something to eat knowing I won't last until our six thirty reservation for dinner. I dig out a protein bar and banana from the pantry. I've already inhaled the protein bar and started to peel the banana when I see Will walk into the kitchen. He politely smiles when he sees me and I restrain an eye roll and offer a tight smile in return with a head nod.

"Hey man," Will says as he grabs a glass from the cupboard and starts to fill it with water at the sink. "Any big V Day plans with Lyla tonight?"

"Of course," I snap back quickly, but Will doesn't seem to pick up on the attitude in my tone. What a dumb question to ask.

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