Chapter 36

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I send a text out to a group chat with some of the guys from the team. I have no doubt they will still be out drowning their sorrows from the loss last night and I need to get out and find a distraction right now. Lyla just walked out on me. She didn't choose me. Not to mention she admitted my whole injury had been apparently a good thing in her eyes. She knows how beat up I have been over my knee the past few weeks, yet she was happy to have me sidelined.

A couple guys reply that they are out at a bar in town I don't recognize the name of, but I am already sliding my shoes on and grabbing my jacket as I head out the door, locking it behind me. I hop in my car and follow the directions of GPS to get to the bar, parking around back in the large lot.

It's almost eleven now, so there isn't much of a line outside and I get in within a few minutes. I navigate through the crowd and find my teammates at a table in the back corner, they see me and flag me over with their hands, hooting and hollering. I eye the empty glasses and pitchers on the table in front of them and have no doubt they are all already wasted.

An empty glass is filled with beer and slid my way on the table as I grab an empty chair. I cheers with the group, chug the whole beer down, and slam the glass onto the table. The guys all cheer in celebration, but I'm too preoccupied reaching for the pitcher to refill my cup to join them. I need to get alcohol into my system pronto. I need to forget about what happened less then an hour ago in my living room. I need to forget about Lyla, even if only for tonight.

When the server stops by our table, we order a few more pitchers and I order two rounds of tequila shots for the table. I waste no time when they are placed on the table in front of me to slam them down back to back. One of the guys beside me is already passing out at the table so I'm shoved one of his shots to take and I don't complain.

The beer and tequila are stirring in my stomach as I feel the warmth spreading over my body, knowing it's having the desired effect on me. I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket and when I pull it out I see Lyla's beautiful face fill my screen and there's a pang in my chest. I shove my phone back in my pocket before I give myself a chance to answer it.

Another four pitchers are crushed amongst the five of us still standing in the next hour. The bar is more packed now and I check my phone for the time seeing it's passed midnight. I also notice the numerous missed call notifications but I don't open them, knowing they're all from Lyla and not wanting to think about losing her tonight.

I finish off the last bit of our final pitcher and stand from the tale, feeling the full effect of the alcohol I've consumed once I'm on my feet. I steady myself leaning against the table before I am sure of my feet and head towards the bar.

I push through the crowd not caring if I shove and bump into people a little harder then usual. I'd actually welcome a good bar fight right about now, but I make it to the bar without anyone shooting me a death glare much to my disappointment.

I find a spot at the bar and do my best to try and get the bartenders attention to order more shots, but he seems more interested in serving all the females with their cleavage resting on the bar top for him to admire. I groan out in annoyance, wanting some damn shots to wash Lyla from my mind since she popped back in after checking my phone a minute ago.


I hear someone call my name at the same time I feel a hand on my forearm and I look down to see Leah smiling up at me. Her arms slide around my waist as she greets me with a hug. I haven't seen her since my last day of work.

When she steps out of our embrace I take a moment to roam my eyes over her outfit, which is a bad idea because she looks damn good. She's wearing black leather high waisted shorts with a red crop top. I do my best not to stare at her cleavage for too long and meet her eyes, but there's a knowing mischief in them that tells me she noticed me checking her out.

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