Chapter 17

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He fell asleep. I can hear his soft snores above me as my head lays resting on his chest still. I turn to look up at him and sure enough, his eyes are shut and he's out cold. I can't help but feel annoyed that he fell asleep while I was talking to him about my day. I know he had a long day and he's tired, but so am I and it's only nine o'clock. I was hoping we would hang out for a little bit longer tonight, I can't help the feeling as of lately that we are drifting a bit from one another.

I resist the urge to shake him awake, knowing I should be heading home anyway. I didn't plan on spending the night here as much as I want to be next to Shawn all night, but I have a lab booked for eight tomorrow morning that I can't be late for. I slowly climb out of Shawn's bed, managing not to wake him. I place a soft kiss on his forehead before I leave his room. I pull out my phone and text Megan for a ride home as I reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey," Will's voice catches me off guard as I look up to see him still sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hey, I didn't see you there."

"You leaving already?" He asks, his brows furrowing in confusion.

"Yeah, Shawn is dead to the world upstairs," I answer him with a small laugh and Will nods in response.

"Did you need a ride home?" He offers.

"No that's alright, I just texted Megan to come pick me up."

"Nonsense, I'll give you a lift," he says as he rises from the couch and walks towards me.

"It's alright, you've already used enough of your fuel chauffeuring me around the last twenty four hours. Which by the way, I'm still getting you to take gas money one of these days," I tell him. I tried to offer him some cash this afternoon and he refused to accept it.

"You know that my mom would smack me upside the head if I took gas money from a lady in need," he tells me with a humorous smile and I giggle lightly. "And I am driving you, no more arguments," he adds with a playful wink.

"Alright, alright," I say admitting defeat as I text Megan back to tell her I got a ride home.

Will kindly makes a pit stop at the grocery store upon my request when I realize that I haven't gotten any groceries for the rest of the week. He does listen when I demand he stays in the car while I run inside and race up and down the aisles to grab what I need.

When we get back to my apartment, Will insists on helping me carry my groceries in and I'm grateful for the offer. I know I would have managed them all on my own, but it would have been one hell of an arm workout to get them up in one trip. We walk into my apartment and Megan is sitting on the couch watching TV as we walk passed her and place the bags on the kitchen counter.

"Thanks again for the ride and helping me carry this stuff up," I say as I walk Will towards the door.

"Anytime," he replies sweetly.

When we reach the door he steps forward for a hug as he leans down closer to my height. He pulls away after a few seconds and moves to head out the door as I hold it open for him.

"Talk to you tomorrow Lyla, night."


I close the door behind him and head back over to the kitchen as I start to put all my groceries away. Megan comes over and helps me as we both finish cramming things into cupboards and the fridge.

"So," Megan starts as she closes the cupboard door and turns to face me. "I was surprised to see Will drove you home, I figured when you texted me back that it would be Shawn dropping you off."

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