Chapter 20

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My alarm comes way too early Sunday morning. I reach for it on my bedside table and fumble to find the right button to shut it off. I roll over in bed and collide with Lyla's hot body. The girl is like a damn radiator when she sleeps. Her eyes are still closed as she lays on her back and I place a kiss on her shoulder. She squirms slightly and I place another kiss on her collarbone. She grumbles out something I can't decipher and I smile to myself as I kiss up her neck.

"More sleep," she groans out sleepily and when I lean back to look down at her she peeks her eyes open and pouts her bottom lip adorably.

"We have to hit the road," I tell her softly as I lean down for a kiss from her soft irresistible lips. "You can sleep in the car beautiful," I suggest as I lean back and climb out of the bed before I get wrapped in the covers with her and we're an hour late to pickup Bailey.

"But your bed is so cozy," she mumbles out as she wraps herself tighter in my comforter. I chuckle as I glance down at her in my bed, rolled up like a human burrito.

"Usually you're the morning person, what's happening here?" I ask in amusement and receive a playful scowl in return before Lyla sits up in bed and throws the covers off herself.

"Maybe if you didn't keep me up until three in the morning," Lyla challenges me as she climbs out of bed. I admire my t-shirt on her as it hangs off one of her shoulders.

"I was under the impression we both enjoyed staying up until three in the morning, but if you're telling me you'd rather go to bed early in the future then next time I will just-"

"Enough," she says as she cuts me and off and I laugh when she tries to shoot me a stern glare.

"What is it then, do I let you sleep next time or wake you up with my tongue? Because I would like to know before I go and interrupt your beauty sleep," I tease her as I stick my tongue out.

Lyla reaches for a pillow from the bed and whips it across the room at me. I catch it easily as I burst into laughter. Lyla tries her best to remain serious but her face cracks into a smile within seconds and I hear her laughter join mine.

"Lets just get ready to hit the road Mr. Norton," Lyla says as she skips across the room passed me heading towards the washroom. "Oh," she says as she pauses in the doorway and I turn to look at her. "Definitely always wake me up."

The first half of my drive this morning was enjoyable. Both Lyla and Bailey slept an hour and a half and I got to listen to my choice of music and enjoy my coffee. The second half not so enjoyable. Both ladies woke up at the same time and insisted on commencing a gossip fest. I've been trying my best to tune them out, but anytime I turn my music up, Lyla turns it down and gives me a questioning look.

For over an hour now I've heard about every guy my sisters roommate has had sex with, every bitchy girl from each of her classes, and some of the douche guys she's gone on dates with. I'm pretty sure she holds back on some of the details of her own escapades on my behalf and I'm thankful for it.

By the time I pull up to the house I can't get out of the car fast enough. I tell the girls to go inside ahead of me and I'll grab all the bags. They don't miss a beat in their conversation as they keep gabbing all the way up to the door. I pop my trunk and grab everyone's bags, hauling them up to the front door as my dad appears in the doorway. He has an amused smile on his face as I approach him and he reaches for one of the suitcases, lightening my load.

"Fun drive?" My dad asks me and when I groan in response he lets out a laugh.

We walk into the house and I take mine and Lyla's suitcases straight to my room before I join everyone back in the living room. I look around at the decorations my dad put up and admire the job he did. The tree sits in the corner of the room as it always has the last twenty years. All of our childhood homemade ornaments adorn it along with coloured lights.

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