Ch199: Clary's Pause

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Clary was still waiting for the penny to drop. It was strange this feeling, like her life hung in the balance. Waiting. Waiting and waiting some more.

The waiting had taught her something. She now knew how Jace must have felt while she was in Paris. Clary had been so busy soaking in Paris, going to class, meeting new people, learning (or rather failing to learn) French and generally taking in the sights and sounds of Paris to ever feel like she had been waiting. The same could not be said for Jace who had been back home counting the days until she came back. The weeks Clary had spent waiting for Jace's answer so far had felt like forever, but she knew it was nothing compared to the ten months he'd waited for her. It made her feel even more guilty for being such a horrible long distance girlfriend. Jace deserved better, must better but even though she knew that she couldn't help wanting him anyway. By some miracle he still seemed to care for her. Clary just had to keep hope alive that he wanted her more than he wanted children. She knew it was a selfish wish, but she couldn't help it.

At least now she got to see Jace more than before. Even just having him back in her life in any capacity had so greatly added to Clary's happiness that she hardly knew what she'd do if he left her again. Being friends was so much better than nothing. Even if she couldn't hold him or kiss him anymore, she could at least make him laugh and see him smile.

And despite everything Clary had to admit Annika was fun to hang out with as well. The more time she spent with Jace and Annika the less jealous she became. The two of them acted more like bros than lovers. Annika was more butch than Alec. Clary was pretty sure Annika knew how to put up drywall and use power tools.

"Dad always said no daughter of his would be caught helpless without a man," Annika said by way of explanation when Clary asked where she learned how to fix a sink.

"Definitely a good thing," Jace said. "As the only 'man' here had no clue how to do that and has been putting off calling the landlord about it for a week."

"Doesn't surprise me," Annika sighed as she stood back up from where she'd been with her head under the bathroom sink. "As you've also been putting off moving to a less expensive apartment for like ever!"

"Not that long, just since Jon moved out," Jace argued. "It was affordable with a roommate."

"But you don't have a roommate anymore," Annika reminded him. "And you're low on single friends who need a place to crash. I ain't moving in."

"They are all rather coupled up aren't they," Jace sighed. "So annoying."

Clary couldn't help but laugh at the look on Jace's face.

"Then there is Clary," Annika continued. "Ex girlfriend for a roommate? Bad plan, so put out an ad and get a stranger roommate or MOVE already!"

"Geez tell us how you really feel," Jace grumbled.

"I think she just did," Clary giggled. Watching Annika verbally abuse Jace was rather fun to watch, especially when Annika was right and Jace knew it.

Jace's eyes darted back and forth between them before he said, "I feel somehow outnumbered."

"And don't forget you still owe me a blind date," Annika added.

Jace held up his hands to start counting on his fingers. "Let's see. Simon's engaged, Jordan's got Maia, Jon is smitten for Paige, Will is definitely taken though I can't say I totally understand exactly what his deal is and then there is my best friend who is not only happily married but also batting for the other team," Jace reminded her. "Do you think Alec would go on a blind date with you?" Jace was laughing before he finished the sentence.

"Surely you have at least one single straight guy friend!" Annika exclaimed.

"Didn't we just establish I have no single friends?" Jace reminded her.

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