Ch130: Jace's Distractions

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Jace couldn't really bring himself to care that September was over. After all, what did October really have to offer him anyway? Clary still wasn't calling him, and life still sucked. Jace's only way of combating this had been to join every club this university had to offer. In doing so, Jace had met quite a few new and interesting people, which had helped distract him for a while, but it was never enough. Even if his busy schedule meant there were moments when he didn't think of Clary, every night he came home and remembered.

The book club had turned out to just feel like more homework. On top of his actual essays and reading for classes, Jace found himself told to read entire novels in the space of two weeks. The first novel they did Jace barely managed to finish, and by the time he was given a second one, Jace gave up on Book Club entirely. Clearly he wasn't a reader. Though he had stuck it out with the book club longer than the Chess Club. Jace hadn't lasted more than three meetings trying to play the ancient and boring strategy game. His self-esteem could only take losing to first year academic scholarship kids so many times. The origami club was easy, but not interesting enough to keep his mind off Clary. Jace would sit there folding paper with the rest of them, while his mind wondered. Jace couldn't bake and had no inclination to try, and he hadn't even tried to join the bake sale fundraising club.

Despite his lack of enjoyment, wrestling at least was something he was good at. Jace found himself working far harder at the sport now than he had before. Jace also found himself working out more often. Jace tried to turn his mind off as he lifted weights and used the machines.

"I'm thinking you should put in a bedroom," a voice to his left spoke. Jace assumed they weren't talked to him and ignored the sound as he kept lifting his lower legs to moves the weights in the machine up and down.

"I'm thinking the kitchen could go there," the voice continued. "Not sure how often you'll want guests, but there might be space for a dining room here."

No one was responding to the voice so Jace turned to see a women looked at him. She was wearing work out clothes and had clearly built up a sweat before she'd started using the weight machine beside him.

"And obviously what's left you can keep for your home gym," she said. Jace was sure she was talking to him now, but he had no idea why.

"What?" Jace asked her.

"Well, you live here right?" she replied.

"Ummm," Jace added.

"I'm only here a few times a week, but I walk past this hallway every day to geography class, and you are always here," she continued. "Therefore, I have concluded that you live here."

"I don't," Jace said lamely.

"A two word response!" she exclaimed, smiling. "Now we're getting somewhere."

"Uh, sorry," Jace mumbled. "You caught me off guard."

"Not used to girls at the gym, huh?" she asked.

"Not used to people talking to me," Jace replied.

"Let me get this straight," she said, stopping her work out to count on her fingers. "You look like a jerk-hunk, but you are actually the shy nerd type? Is that even possible?"

"No to both of those," Jace replied, laughing a little which felt very strange. "I've just been a bit of a mess lately, and my friends are sick of me."

"Well everyone's entitled to be a mess sometimes," she continued. "I'm sure you have a good reason for it."

"My girlfriend's in Paris," Jace explained. "And will be until June."

"Ha!" she said. "At least I was right about one thing. No one that hot is single."

"Oh whatever," Jace scoffed.

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