Ch206: Alec's Reminisce

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Being a groomsman turned out to be rather simple. His one job seemed to be walking a bridesmaid down the aisle and then standing by the altar. Easily accomplished! With his task done, Alec was free to turn and watch Izzy in all her glory.

The bride was holding a bouquet of flowers that mostly consisted of light cream colours but also had a few pops of brighter shades mixed in. Alec knew nothing about flowers but even he could appreciate how stunning Izzy looked holding them.

The neckline on her dress looked like a deep v cut all the way to her navel, but actually had a skin tone piece over it to give the illusion of a deep V. It had been the only way their mother would pay for the dress. Alec remembered Izzy had wanted it to be more revealing. Simon had very wisely refused to comment.

And then there was Isabelle's face. Somehow the joy he saw there made her more beautiful than anything else could. Alec felt tears form in his eyes and begin to fall down his cheeks. There was just something so moving about watching his little sister positively bursting with happiness in her glorious wedding gown.

A familiar sound caught his attention and Alec turned from the bride to the audience. To anyone else the sound would have been indistinguishable from all the other sniffs and awws from the crowd, but Alec knew his husbands awws and sniffs better than anyone. It didn't take long for Alec to spot Magnus in the audience, seated near the rest of his family. Magnus was also trying to hold back tears; he was however having much more success than Alec.

It was only then that Alec noticed Simon. The groom had his eyes fixed on Isabelle without the slightest hint of looking away. Alec felt sure Simon wouldn't have turned his gaze even if a living dinosaur walked over and asked to borrow his shoes. Alec couldn't help but chuckle at the image. The look on Simon's face was that of endless devotion and it gave Alec a warm happy brotherly feeling. He'd known for a while now that Simon was perfect for his sister but over the last two weeks and especially today he'd witnessed it in exquisite detail. Simon knew when to fold and when to hold with Izzy, but most importantly he valued her happiness more than his own. Alec could never have wished for anyone better for his baby sister.

The bride was approaching the aisle now. Izzy had opted to cut out the 'who gives this woman' part of the ceremony and just walked down the aisle on her own. Especially given who the officiant was.

"Dearly beloved," Robert began. "We are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Simon George Lewis and Isabelle Sophia Lightwood in matrimony, not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this permanent state, these two persons presented now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

"Marriage is a funny thing," Robert continued when no one interrupted. "It's messy and long, with twists and turns along the way, but when you find that right person, they turn every roadblock into an adventure. I believe these two people have what it takes to make it through the hard times and enjoy the good ones with everything they have. I hope you do as well." There was a brief pause before Robert invited them to recite their personalized vows.

"Izzy," Simon began. "My life was so dull until you showed up. You make everyday colourful and bright. I love you with all my heart but more than that I love how you have changed me for the better. My life is infinitely better with you in it. My better half, my soulmate, I vow to be your devoted husband for as long as I live."

"Simon," Izzy said. "You have taught me so much about myself and about what it is to love, really love. To see love as more than just something to fear. Before you my life was so empty. You have made me complete. My better half, my soulmate, I vow to be your devoted wife for as long as I live."

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