Simon's Girls

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When Izzy had shown up at his door step one night asking if he wanted to have another go at it, Simon had decided to hell with it and invited her in. A half hour later the two of them were laying together panting, and ten minutes after that, Izzy was up and on her way again with a smile and a wave. Still, Simon didn't regret it. It seemed he'd somehow managed to acquire three female friends in University, though all very different kinds: an overly-friendly ex girlfriend, a nerd friend, and a friend with benefits. Honestly, the friend with benefits might be the most straightforward friendship he had at this point, especially now that he knew his roommate and his nerd friend were exes.

"I am not going to talk to him," Maia said again. "Stop nagging me."

"I have somehow gotten caught up in the middle of this mess," Simon whined. "If you two would just talk to each other, then maybe I could butt out."

"You could just butt out now," Maia offered.

"Yes, because listening to your roommates pine for his ex all day, then going to hang out with his ex all night isn't at all confusing for me," Simon whined.

"Oh boo hoo, I'm Simon," Maia mocked him. "I'm having awesome sex, and I have so many friends they've dated each other. Life is just so hard." Simon gave her a look and she added, "Yes, Izzy talks." Simon couldn't help but grin. "That was not meant to be a compliment."

"Tough," Simon replied. "I'm taking it as one."

"You're annoying," Maia whined.

"And yet, you keep hanging out with me," Simon reminded her.

"I don't have a lot of friends is all," Maia explained.

"Oh, is that it?" Simon laughed.

"Yes," Maia whined. "Now are we gonna watch Star Trek or not?" Laughing, Simon started up the movie. He couldn't say this wasn't a standard conversation. Maia didn't want to talk to Jordan, while Jordan wanted nothing but to talk to Maia. Simon couldn't get either of them to talk to each other, or even talk to him about why they wouldn't talk to each other. He felt very much like he was in the middle of squabbling toddlers, and he was sick of it.

"How did she say she wouldn't talk to me?" Jordan asked when Simon got home from hanging out with Maia.

"She just said no," Simon sighed. "That's all I got for you buddy, just one syllable: no."

"Yeah, but like was it no," Jordan continued. "Or no." He said one in a firm voice, and the other with a casual shrug.

"I don't know," Simon sighed. "And frankly I'm starting not to care. Either give up on her or corner her. Just leave me out of it, please."

"I know Maia," Jordan sighed. "Cornering her would just lead to my nose getting broken."

Simon couldn't help but laugh at this. "You really do know Maia," he chuckled.

"Oh shut up!" Jordan scoffed. "What do you know, Mr. Boy Toy." Simon decided that was also funny, and kept laughing. Honestly, being Izzy's casual lay was less hurtful than being Clary's pity boyfriend had been. Izzy was honest and upfront about what she wanted, and they had fun. What was the harm, really?

"See, that's why I like coming over here," Izzy said when Simon voiced these thoughts the next time she showed up, and demanded he take off all his clothes. "You get it."

"Seems so," Simon smiled before kissing her, his fingers finding their way under her shirt. He could feel her doing the same, and their clothes fell to the ground as they moved backward into his dorm room.

It was a dance that Simon was getting better at with Izzy's instruction. She liked to put his hands where she wanted them, just like she'd done in that elevator. Simon knew how the curve of her hip felt against his palm, the way her breasts fit in his hands. He knew her touch like he'd never known anyone else's. He enjoyed the expression on her face when she finished, the way her back arched. He was glad she kept coming back to him.

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