Ch168: Magnus's Unease

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"Pass the eggrolls," Paige's voice called from across the table. Before Magnus could react, his husband had already accomplished the task.

Magnus wasn't sure when his dining room had last been this full, but with Clary moving back in he was gonna have to get used to an over-crowded living space. Though that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. When you lived with many people you never wanted for company no matter the situation.

"Where did you order this from?" Jon asked, eating as if every bite were his personal privilege to consume. "I've never had Chinese food this good before.

Magnus chuckled. "Alec wanted to play with his new car some more so we drove to the other side of town," Magnus explained. "This place always had good reviews but it was never worth the trip, and they don't deliver."

"Who doesn't love my car now?" Alec grinned. There was a general consensus of agreement while everyone continued eating.

Even Magnus had to admit it was really good food. Magnus had learned to drive on his aunt's old clunker car back in high school, but despite getting his license Magnus had never owned a car of his own. He remembered complaining to his aunt as a teenager, wondering why he was bothering to get the license if he'd never be able to afford the car. She mentioned something about reduced car insurance rates after ten years which he hadn't understood at the time.

"Thanks again for dinner," Jon said as they all finished eating.

"Thanks for helping me move in," Clary smiled back.

"If it includes dinner count me in the next time you move too," Jon chuckled which prompted Clary to swing at him, but he dodged.

"Enjoy the room with walls," Paige told Clary with a wink as she made to leave, pulling Jon along by the hand.

"But what about thirds?" Jon whined as he was dragged away. Clary chuckled, but Paige just rolled her eyes as she kept moving him along.

"Aren't those two just adorable," Clary said as the door closed behind them. She seemed happy, Magnus thought, but there was an underlying sadness in her voice.

"Yeah they are," Magnus told his friend, moving closer to wrap one arm around her shoulders from the side.

"When I set them up I never dreamed they'd get along that well," Clary continued.

"Life is funny like that," Alec smiled, but his smile turned into a huge yawn.

"It isn't that late yet," Magnus teased his husband.

In the end they decided to watch a little tv before bed. Alec turned in first; his yawns became almost comical as the night went on. Finally he kissed Magnus goodnight and continued down the hall.

"You tried too Magnus?" Clary asked. It seemed like an innocent enough question, but Magnus had a sense that she didn't want to be alone and wasn't yet ready for sleep.

"I'm fine," Magnus replied.

Clary curled up beside him on the couch and they played another movie.

Having Clary back felt to Magnus like the world was determined to have everything move backwards. It would have really been full circle if Tessa had been moving back, but this was an event Magnus knew would never happen. Nevertheless he was in fairly regular contact with his old friend though with her busy life it was mostly confined to texting.

"That was a pretty great movie, wasn't it," Clary said as the credits rolled. "I didn't expect the maid was the spy even once before the end."

"Yeah it's not a bad movie," Magnus said easily. But then he turned on the couch to face her. "Are you alright, Clary?"

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