Magnus's Glow

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Magnus kissed Alec goodbye and darted out the door so as not to be late, though at this point, he was going to be late no matter what he did. It had become quite the habit of his lately, being late for things. It was one of the many reasons Magnus found his current lot in life so strange. The biggest of which, was probably that this had been the first time in his life that he wasn't getting a paycheck or in school. Volunteering two days a week at the museum felt like nothing, and Magnus had fallen into a pattern of staying up too late watching netflix, then sleeping in well past what resembled a reasonable hour the next day. His alarm did go off two days a week, but having those 5 days before hand to do basically nothing was mind numbingly boring. If it wasn't for Alexander, Magnus was sure he'd be in a straight jacket by now.

Okay, so maybe it wasn't that bad, but if you'd told him at the beginning of his third year of university that after graduation, he'd be unemployed and engaged, he would have laughed his ass off. The world has a strange way of turning your expectations on their heads. What you thought was once so important can shift and become a never again thought or antidote in your life. The people you once needed, replaced by others now more needed than those who came before.

A flurry of snow swirled around him as Magnus opened the door to the cafe. Turning his head, searching for that familiar red colour, Magnus spotted Clary sitting in the corner.

"I'm so sorry I'm late," Magnus gasped as he got close enough to her table. "I have no brilliant excuse except that sleep is amazing."

Clary chuckled, gesturing for him to sit down. Magnus did so. "I must say I'm surprised," Clary said smiling. "You've never been one to waste time in bed before."

"I never had time to waste time in bed before," Magnus argued. "For as long as I can remember, I've been either working two jobs, in school with one job, or taking 6 courses to make up for not taking 5 while working in a previous semester."

"Sounds to me like you could use the break," Clary replied.

"You sound like Alec," Magnus chuckled.

"Great minds," Clary smiled. After that, Magnus got up to order his own latte. It felt so strange spending money when he knew he wasn't making any. Somehow since Alec had moved in, he'd managed to take over their fiances. Magnus had no idea what bills had been paid or when. For all he knew, Alec had stopped paying everything, and they were going to be evicted tomorrow. Magnus suspected this not to be the case, but the total lack of control was very disconcerting to him.

"I miss my paycheck," Magnus whined.

"Then get a job," Clary suggested.

"And be at the mercy of Maryse Lightwood when she learns I can't get two months off without notice?" Magnus replied. "I think not."

"In-laws that scary huh?" Clary smiled.

"Not scary," Magnus said thoughtfully. "I just couldn't bare the look of disappointment on her face when she finds out her son will have to honeymoon alone."

"Well despite all you say," Clary said firmly. "You are happy, Magnus. I can tell." She smiled and Magnus didn't speak. "How is all that wedding planning going anyway?"

"There are about 350 cards at home that I need to address," Magnus said by way of answer.

"Have you guys settled on a date yet?" Clary asked. "Last we talked, I just heard you were doing a small wedding and big reception."

"Yep, that's right," Magnus confirmed. "And we chose April 19th, exactly one year from when Alec proposed to me."

"That's cute," Clary beamed. "Much better than having it at Christmas, or based on some ancestors anniversary."

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