Ch60: Clary's Hypocrite

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Clary was watching the faces of every female within four meters of her boyfriend, because half of them were checking him out. There was a group of girls who looked to be on a sports team of some kind in the corner who all had their eyes on Jace, unless of course, they were looking at Simon, but somehow Clary doubted it. She didn't have that kind of luck. Clary watched as a few of them whispered, pointing in Jace's direction, acting like they were trying to decide who should get up to talk to him first.

Clary had to resist the urge to get up and attached herself to Jace's arm like a parasite. Being super possessive wasn't attractive. Instead, Clary took a few deep breaths and reminded herself that at least today Jace wasn't looking at the girls checking him out because he was talking to Simon. She was thankful Jace returned to her before any of the girls actually went over and talked to him. Clary greeted Jace with a quick kiss as he sat at their table across from her.

"Did you find out what Izzy was up to?" Clary asked.

"Yeah," Jace replied with a strange look on his face that Clary couldn't quite place. "She's interested in Simon."

"That's great!" Clary exclaimed. She wanted nothing more than to see her oldest friend happy with someone else, not just for him, but for herself as well. Seeing Simon happy would eases her guilt.

"Not so much," Jace disagreed. "You know how I was before I met you?" Clary nodded, thinking to herself about every time Jace had been hit on or checked out by a woman, or even a few guys. She could imagine only too easily him flirting back and taking them home. "Well Izzy is kinda like that. I tried to warn Simon that she will probably stomp all over his heart in high heels, but Simon very wisely reminded me that I was being a hypocrite." Jace smiled at her, but all Clary could think about was his being a hypocrite. What did that mean?

"Are you done with lunch?" Jace asked. "I thought we could go bowling or something?" Bowling might be a safe bet, though Clary suspected even there, she'd encounter at least one person Jace had slept with. The only thing that calmed her down was thinking about her halloween costume. Clary had felt so close to Jace when she'd arrived at his house in nothing but a coat and lingerie at the start of the school year. She'd felt somehow more secure when she'd seen him take in her skimpy outfit. She wanted to feel like that again.

"Or we could just go to your place," Clary suggested. Jace gave her a strange look, and the anxiety in Clary's stomach tightened.

"Are you sure?" Jace asked.

"I'm sure," Clary said firmly.

"Because you know I'm happy to go out in public with you right?" Jace continued, looking a little confused. Clary laughed lightly and kissed him on the cheek before she once again assured him she wanted to go to his place. Clary had a little something stashed away in her purse and was eager to show it to Jace, even if it wasn't as amazing as her halloween costume. Her boyfriend gave in, and walking hand in hand, they headed back to Jace's place. Soon after they arrived, Clary went into the bathroom and put the silky lace on under her clothes. Then Clary suggested they watch a movie so she could snuggle in close beside him on the couch. About halfway through the movie, she started trailing her hand along Jace's chest, then down into his lap.

"Clary even through my jeans that is very distracting," Jace muttered, but he was grinning.

"Maybe that's the point," Clary replied grinning.

"What is with you recently?" Jace asked. Clary's heart sank. A million things ran through her mind. Was Jace bored of her? Did he want the other girls instead? Jace leaned forward and kissed her gently before adding. "You are just always in the mood lately."

"I'm on the pill now," Clary explained. She was indeed taking birth control every day, which was making seducing her boyfriend all the easier. "So why not right?"

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