Ch40: Clary's Daze

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Clary didn't want Simon to totally vanish from her life. She valued his friendship too much to ever want to say goodbye forever. Unfortunately the only idea she had was for Simon be make more friends her school. The easiest place to start was for Simon to become friends with some of Clary's friends, but her attempts to pull Simon into her circle of friends hadn't gone so well.

"Don't glare at Simon next time," Clary had told Jace after their awkward lunch with her ex-boyfriend. "Please. I am sure it's bad enough for him as it is!"

"Yeah and I'm pretty sure you trying to include him only made it worse," Jace had replied.

"Jace, I have one ex," Clary exclaimed. "ONE! And he was my friend first. Please, can you put some effort into not glaring at him?"

Jace had sighed and looked at her in that way he did that always made her smile. "Alright, Clary," Jace had whispered. "If it matters so much to you." Jace had kissed her softly after that and the subject was changed.

Clary sighed and pushed back from her desk. She wasn't quite feeling like herself. She'd been feeling a little off when they'd had lunch with Simon at the cafeteria the other day and today she'd woken up feeling dizzy. She'd had to lay back down in bed for ten minutes before summoning the will to go to class. Between Malec drama, class, homework, Jace and the need to sleep, she didn't have time to get sick. The first time Clary had teasingly called Magnus and Alec, Malec, she'd only done it to annoy Magnus, but somehow the name had stuck. Clary now thought it a rather great nickname for those crazy boys. She was, however, concerned what the boys would start calling her if she didn't stop teasing them.

Clary heard the door open and turned to see Helen enter the dorm.

"Hey," Helen greeted her with a smile. The fact that Clary had started dating Jace was old news, but when they'd first gotten together, Helen and Clary had stayed up all night talking about their love lives more than once. Sometimes they even added doing their nails or face masks for the full girl's slumber party feel. It was so great to have a female friend. Aside from Jace, Helen was the only one Clary was comfortable talking to about her sex life.

"Where's Aline?" Clary asked. "I hardly ever see you two apart these days." She smiled. Clary had long ago decided that her roommate and Alec's cousin were adorable.

"My girlfriend's in class," Helen said grinning.

"You love saying that don't you," Clary laughed. They'd been officially dating for a while now, but Helen still seemed to enjoy using the word.

"Yeah," Helen laughed. "I forgot how much I hate being single."

"It's so overrated," Clary replied, but her head was feeling fuzzy and she was sure she swayed for a moment.

"You alright?" Helen asked.

"Not sure," Clary mumbled. "Been feeling kinda off."

"Maybe you should lay down," Helen suggested, but Clary shook her head.

"I only have one more class to get through, then it's the weekend," Clary said firmly. "I can totally do this."

"I don't know," Helen replied. "You look kinda green."

"I am not sick," Clary stated with as much conviction as she could muster as if saying the words would make them true.

"If you're not sick, you're pregnant," Helen laughed.

"We use condoms," Clary argued.

"Which was only 97% effective," Helen replied. "I like my form of birth control." She laughed then added, "Being gay is 100% effective."

"You're bi," Clary reminded her friend.

"But I'm dating a girl," Helen said. "So, I stand by my birth control method thank you." Clary groaned. She felt like crap.

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