Ch67: Jace's Tension

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"So how long do I leave the rice on for?" Jace asked.

"Twenty minutes," Celine voice replied through his cell phone.

"Okay, and as long as the chicken isn't pink it's okay, and I haven't totally failed?" Jace continued. He was standing in front of the stove, his head tilted to keep his phone near his ear, while he used to hands to try and combat the simmering pots and pans before him.

"I am sure Clary will love it," Celine told him. "Just relax. You sound like you are steaming at the ears."

"Shit, that's the vegetables!" Jace called as the pot boiled over. Putting the phone down, Jace quickly went to the aid of his dinner making attempt. He was calling it an attempt since he'd has his mother on the phone for half of it.

Exams were over now and Christmas was almost upon them. In fact, Jace and Clary were due to get on a plane and go home to her parents tomorrow morning. Jace couldn't believe how nervous he was, which might have something to do with why his dinner experiment had turned out so horribly. Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad. Sure, the chicken was a little dry, and the rice at the bottom of the pan had stuck, but it was edible, and that was what mattered.

"Okay veggies have been saved," Jace returned to his phone now that the crisis has been solved.

"Good now hang up on your mother and have a wonderful dinner with your charming girlfriend," Celine ordered.

"Thanks mom," Jace laughed before doing as he was told. Jace had just finished setting the table when he heard the door open.

"What's all this?" Clary asked as she walked in. It had been a long time since she'd knocked when entering his apartment.

"Dinner?" Jace said tentatively. His mother's cooking always smelled better than this.

"You don't sound too sure about that," Clary replied with a chuckle as she dropped her school bag and moved closer.

"If it's gross we are ordering take out," Jace stated, firmly.

"I am sure it will be great," Clary giggled leaning up to greet him with a kiss. Jace welcomed the kiss, holding the back of her neck gently.

"I love you," Jace whispered in her ear as they broke apart. Since realizing the level to which he sucked at being a boyfriend, Jace had been trying to make up for it. His first plan had been to google 'how to be a good boyfriend' but the results hadn't been too helpful. Next, Jace had asked his mother and Alec for advice. His mother's advice had been the only useful one however, as Alec's great wisdom was: just don't offer to buy your partner's summer vacation.

"I know," Clary replied with a smile. "You don't have to tell me every time I see you."

"Yes, I do," Jace disagreed as he turned back to try and plate their merely edible dinner.

"You aren't as bad at this as you think you are," Clary said as she sat down at the place he'd prepared for her.

"Recently," Jace corrected.

"At all," Clary continued. Jace mumbled something about how he didn't agree as he placed a plate of rice, steamed vegetables and dry lemon chicken in front of her. "I mean it Jace. I shouldn't have let my own insecurities cloud my judgement."

"But I shouldn't have created a situation where you could feel insecure," Jace argued not letting himself off the hook. "I should have noticed."

"I should have told you," Clary countered.

"Eat your chicken," Jace mumbled as he sat down across from her at the table. Looking down at his lap rather than getting started eating his dinner, Jace suddenly felt her hand under his chin.

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